Recent images with Recent thoughts.

It recently occurred to me that I have never been a flirt or flirted...
When I think about all my past relationships and how they began or even the 1st words, the first glance, the 1st interaction, I never flirted.
When i was a preteen i use to sit in the back of the school bus with all the boys.
I would hear the locker room like talk about how this girl and that girl was said to be a tease. somewhere along the lines I think i confused being a "Tease" with flirting. Or that flirting would possible give the wrong impression and or a bad reputation, and possibly put me in predicaments that i would regret, like date rape or some crazy shit. I don't think I understood that one could flirt and not be considered a whore or fast. It was best just to avoid that sort of behavior and attention all together.
When I was about 15 I moved to Somerville Ma, and left all of my local friends were back in Boston. My mom use to own a CB radio home base station. she wasn't using it anymore, so i took it and put it in my room, and I grounded the antenna to a popcorn tin lid. I started to listen, and eventually started to make friends in the area who also chatted on the CB airwaves. even when I met guys on there that i would wind up going on a date or two with, I still never flirted.
I was just told that pretty girls don't flirt, but I'm almost certain i have seen loads of pretty girls flirt with my own eyes.
I take notice of people that flirt, some people flirt endlessly with everyone.
My Boyfriend is a flirt, and somehow thinks that it's cute personality trait. Though it may be harmless, it bothers me.
I see it as a way of gaining confirmation/ affirmation and finding short spurts of self validation by flirting and seeing if others will find him worthy to flirt back.
And just how far will it go... I mean your throwing a fishing line out there, what do you do if you catch a fish? Your forced to make a decision to keep it for dinner or throw it back in, right?
It shows intentions to a degree. An intention that makes me un comfy.
Part of me want's to know if I missed out by not flirting? And even if I wanted to start flirting now, i feel like an idiot to even attempt. like I would do it wrong or something. I'm so matter a fact and straight forward that It's not in my nature to beat around the bush, no pun intended

It recently occurred to me that I have never been a flirt or flirted...
When I think about all my past relationships and how they began or even the 1st words, the first glance, the 1st interaction, I never flirted.
When i was a preteen i use to sit in the back of the school bus with all the boys.
I would hear the locker room like talk about how this girl and that girl was said to be a tease. somewhere along the lines I think i confused being a "Tease" with flirting. Or that flirting would possible give the wrong impression and or a bad reputation, and possibly put me in predicaments that i would regret, like date rape or some crazy shit. I don't think I understood that one could flirt and not be considered a whore or fast. It was best just to avoid that sort of behavior and attention all together.
When I was about 15 I moved to Somerville Ma, and left all of my local friends were back in Boston. My mom use to own a CB radio home base station. she wasn't using it anymore, so i took it and put it in my room, and I grounded the antenna to a popcorn tin lid. I started to listen, and eventually started to make friends in the area who also chatted on the CB airwaves. even when I met guys on there that i would wind up going on a date or two with, I still never flirted.
I was just told that pretty girls don't flirt, but I'm almost certain i have seen loads of pretty girls flirt with my own eyes.
I take notice of people that flirt, some people flirt endlessly with everyone.
My Boyfriend is a flirt, and somehow thinks that it's cute personality trait. Though it may be harmless, it bothers me.
I see it as a way of gaining confirmation/ affirmation and finding short spurts of self validation by flirting and seeing if others will find him worthy to flirt back.
And just how far will it go... I mean your throwing a fishing line out there, what do you do if you catch a fish? Your forced to make a decision to keep it for dinner or throw it back in, right?
It shows intentions to a degree. An intention that makes me un comfy.
Part of me want's to know if I missed out by not flirting? And even if I wanted to start flirting now, i feel like an idiot to even attempt. like I would do it wrong or something. I'm so matter a fact and straight forward that It's not in my nature to beat around the bush, no pun intended

I see it as a way of gaining confirmation/ affirmation and finding short spurts of self validation by flirting and seeing if others will find him worthy to flirt back.
i mean, that's exactly what it is, when there's no endgame involved. and there's plenty, i mean plenty, of flirting that happens with no endgame planned or involved other than that "short spurt of self validation" - because i mean, what's wrong with that?

you should give it a shot.
could you be any hotter?
not sure its possible.
i like the new hair lots.