Solo Seven in Vegas

From time to time while traveling for shoots or vacation, I take a little break to do a few series of self portraits, they are not always traditional ports, sometimes just a series of private moments, usually containing nudity. I am never sure exactly what i will shoot, i kinda just wing it. Sometimes they are shot on Film and more recently with traveling they are digital. this time they are point and shoot dig. My self shot work usually comes across as a little voyeuristic, I have yet to figure out why that is.
I actually started doing self ports at the age of 13-14. when i discovered a self timer on my first Richo. one day i plan to scan all of those 80's influenced images. they usually came out like some fashion show documentation in my bedroom.
I see some minor growth and influence in my recent series. The works of Wolf 189 and Chip Willis were def in the back of my mind when I shot these.
I am not sure why I decided to tone them all differently, Possibly because i feel as if they are strong enough to stand alone, even though they were shot consecutive.

<div>stay tuned for a few more...
Still editing St martin Pix... I know

From time to time while traveling for shoots or vacation, I take a little break to do a few series of self portraits, they are not always traditional ports, sometimes just a series of private moments, usually containing nudity. I am never sure exactly what i will shoot, i kinda just wing it. Sometimes they are shot on Film and more recently with traveling they are digital. this time they are point and shoot dig. My self shot work usually comes across as a little voyeuristic, I have yet to figure out why that is.
I actually started doing self ports at the age of 13-14. when i discovered a self timer on my first Richo. one day i plan to scan all of those 80's influenced images. they usually came out like some fashion show documentation in my bedroom.
I see some minor growth and influence in my recent series. The works of Wolf 189 and Chip Willis were def in the back of my mind when I shot these.
I am not sure why I decided to tone them all differently, Possibly because i feel as if they are strong enough to stand alone, even though they were shot consecutive.

<div>stay tuned for a few more...
Still editing St martin Pix... I know
excellent. i really like the sepia, gives them a 40s 'l.a. confidential' feel. my favorite is either pic#1 or pic#6. how's the blooming blackjack career?
these are my favorite kind of photos