With Age comes lots of Gumption
the kind that it takes to get up at 6:30 AM on Mothers Day and get naked in the street where it is Illegal in Phila to do so, right down the street from district 9 police station. All for the sake of my art.
the above shot by Robert Szatmari
a side note to yesterday's comment about retiring from Modeling.
I can't seem to tell if my hobby has become an addiction. but I don't get paid for most of my shoots not matter how professional they look. I am not talking about the sets i shoot for SG. I would say I shoot for SG about 1% a year.Everything else is just for Book work or a Photographers project.
Why do i not get paid you ask.
1. because i am not an Agency model.
2. because not getting paid gives me the advantage of picking and choosing whom i work with and what the images contain, I have more creative direction and say so, where is when you are getting paid, they don't want your ideas, and someone else is doing the direction, basically you are a warm mannequin.
the best part about modeling for me is building the idea and concept and styling the wardrobe, and working people whom i respect so much i just want to be part of their work.
About 90% if the time i cover my own travel. I don't make a lot of money, I live week to week on paychecks, with a little in savings. and i try not to get into debt. I do love the independence of traveling for a shoot. it's one of the highlights.
So why do i want to Retire?
well going on 38 this year, and i have other creative endevors that get put on the back burner,
My own photography, my illustration book, and the Autobiography i need to write before my mother eventually dies. and hey i may or may not want to have a child.
Also i want to bow out gracefully. I don't want someone else telling me i should quit.
I give it one more year Max! and I;m sure i will fill the one more year like a tirade! kinda like the last 2 months.
I may even want to start just art directing for other peoples shoots.
Thats all, But thank you for telling me not to quit, No lie, Telling a Woman she is beautiful never gets tired!

the kind that it takes to get up at 6:30 AM on Mothers Day and get naked in the street where it is Illegal in Phila to do so, right down the street from district 9 police station. All for the sake of my art.
the above shot by Robert Szatmari
a side note to yesterday's comment about retiring from Modeling.
I can't seem to tell if my hobby has become an addiction. but I don't get paid for most of my shoots not matter how professional they look. I am not talking about the sets i shoot for SG. I would say I shoot for SG about 1% a year.Everything else is just for Book work or a Photographers project.
Why do i not get paid you ask.
1. because i am not an Agency model.
2. because not getting paid gives me the advantage of picking and choosing whom i work with and what the images contain, I have more creative direction and say so, where is when you are getting paid, they don't want your ideas, and someone else is doing the direction, basically you are a warm mannequin.
the best part about modeling for me is building the idea and concept and styling the wardrobe, and working people whom i respect so much i just want to be part of their work.
About 90% if the time i cover my own travel. I don't make a lot of money, I live week to week on paychecks, with a little in savings. and i try not to get into debt. I do love the independence of traveling for a shoot. it's one of the highlights.
So why do i want to Retire?
well going on 38 this year, and i have other creative endevors that get put on the back burner,
My own photography, my illustration book, and the Autobiography i need to write before my mother eventually dies. and hey i may or may not want to have a child.
Also i want to bow out gracefully. I don't want someone else telling me i should quit.
I give it one more year Max! and I;m sure i will fill the one more year like a tirade! kinda like the last 2 months.
I may even want to start just art directing for other peoples shoots.
Thats all, But thank you for telling me not to quit, No lie, Telling a Woman she is beautiful never gets tired!
Big kudos for that statement...I concur. As an art director, I've always admired the art direction in your photography. I would also love to see you food photography in Bon Appetit magazine. You do food good.