My 1st shower in Amsterdam
A weekend of regrouping was in need from a hectic work week of insomnia and emotional spins.
Friday cooked dinner and watched some tv with intensions of sleeping really late to catch up on lost sleep in the past 2 weeks.
Missed a friends Party because i was so exhausted. Got Greek take out instead and stayed to the couch.
Sunday, woke up late, and it was nice, then headed to University city for a shoot with a disabled male model in a house that was 3 stories high, and the male model had to get himself up 3 flights, really nice guy, great sense of humor.
then met Megan for dinner at an Indian buffet. and headed home and fell asleep to Men In Black.
Ant Took Frankie to NJ over his mothers and Frankie pissed in the back seat and mostly all over his Pea Coat, that cat is good for nothing i tell you, now we have to find a way to clean the upholestry.
Here are some shots of my babies

love her little tongue

Cute puppy noses.
great shower and dog pics Maxi