Just to make it clear I recently left the military group since there seems to be a lot of thread jacking and degragation of members going on there. People don't really discuss matters there anymore, they just seem to argue and point fingers. Typical of the military though, oh well. Gonna pick up my power cord tomorrow so this weekend will be devoted to making banners! Next week I start at a new job so there'll be less time for banners but oh well. I've had some great ideas strike while away from my laptop so maybe it'll help.
More Blogs
Thursday Aug 16, 2007
Arggggh! My attempt to make cool animated banner's for my favorite SG… -
Thursday Aug 16, 2007
Ok first animated banner lets hope this looks ok... I've been working… -
Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
So Wildy needed some banners to promote her first set. I was a bit la… -
Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
new art. Banners to be specific. Wildy need new banners to promote he… -
Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
So Wildy needed some banners. I was a bit late but I cranked out 5 di… -
Sunday Jun 24, 2007
So I decided to draw a few SG chatters. I'm working on drawings of SG… -
Sounds about right
*sigh* Try typical of *humanity*
Hehe good luck with the banners and such. And the job
psst you rock