Looks like I can't give up chat. Great first it was cigarettes and now chat. Well on the bright side I did give up relationships and alcohol so I'm halfway there. Besides Kai's offer is too good to turn down, LOL. Well I told the ex how it's gonna be in chat if she decides to come back, so hopefully she makes the smart call and doesn't come back. I really don't need her bullshit and especially not in there. Apparently her little affairs are more important than her finances because I tried to discuss a game plan about the cars etc with her and she blew me off so oh well her loss. Tomorrow I'm going to call the court, give them my address and get my restraining order served. Then I'll take it to the court out her and be divorced from her ASAP and she'll just be stuck with her two car payments. I tried playing nice, I even tried being her friend, but if she doesn't want to keep me up to date on issues I'll just take matters into my own hands. Posted a job listing on craigslist for entry level photoshop work, um played with Microsoft's Photosynth tech demo today (trust me it's gonna change the entire internet google it), and I watched some youtube videos, and did some photoshop work today. Well that's it for me fuckers. Also I posted more pics in my pics folder, nothing new, but in fact they're old pics but fun so check them out. PS I'm a sexy bitch and I gots pics to prove it.
More Blogs
Friday Sep 11, 2009
just popping in to look around... Been to busy IRL for SG. I haven't … -
Thursday Oct 30, 2008
Hey guys, I'm doing a live pumpkin carving demo on my webcam in chat … -
Monday Oct 06, 2008
Guess who's back? That's right mother fuckers, I'm back! Drop me a l… -
Friday Dec 14, 2007
For those who don't know my gray day is coming very very soon, the 16… -
Thursday Dec 06, 2007
Well not that anyone reads my blogs, but anyway.... I have one, and o… -
Saturday Nov 24, 2007
Oooooo ooooooo, Look what I did guys! I got bored and my ex-wife just… -
Tuesday Nov 20, 2007
Well, I hooked up the ex with a friend on here, and she got… -
Thursday Nov 01, 2007
I am officially single now! The divorce was finalized this past … -
Friday Sep 21, 2007
Just to make it clear I recently left the military group since there … -
Tuesday Sep 11, 2007
In case you some how forgot today marks the 6 year mark. Six years ag…