So, I'm out of rigatoni noodles for making pastay stuffs. Need to get more if I plan on eating tonight. Then, while walking to the supermarket, I notice some people mulling around outside and a bunch of red trucks with flashing lights.
Supermarket caught fire. Ooops. I guess there's "Hot Summer Sale" was a little too literal.

Don't knock the picture, the lighting was horrible and I was using a crappy cell phone camera. Serves me right for not walking everywhere with my SD880. Sigh, that's the reason I bought the darn thing.
So, instead, I walked over to the TG mart/Coffee time donut/Genuine Indian Cuisine place on the corner and ended up buying a dust covered package of "extra wide" egg noodles. I'd take a picture of that, but I threw it out already.
Supermarket caught fire. Ooops. I guess there's "Hot Summer Sale" was a little too literal.

Don't knock the picture, the lighting was horrible and I was using a crappy cell phone camera. Serves me right for not walking everywhere with my SD880. Sigh, that's the reason I bought the darn thing.
So, instead, I walked over to the TG mart/Coffee time donut/Genuine Indian Cuisine place on the corner and ended up buying a dust covered package of "extra wide" egg noodles. I'd take a picture of that, but I threw it out already.
Oh and have you seen Atlea's new set in MR?