New consultancy job, starts in two weeks. nice office in the strand. My darling daughter is coming to visit and then we're off to Leeds festival. cool. smile

All the bits are down at the workshop, it's just a case of bolting them back together by friday. Practice is on Sat and the race is on Sunday. The new rider looks good. I've...
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quick update:

the bike had a bent frame but it's now straightend. I've got new plastics, loads of bits from Harris and suzuki to bolt onto it. the tank is being re-made. next race is less than 3 weeks away. should be ok.

have signed a new rider. he's 17 oh my god he's fast, but V young.

i got the sack from work as...
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i'm being a slacker right now too - we should hang out if the sun ever shines! and donnington park is great for me as i've got a friend that lives right by there so have somewhere to stay - just depends what dates as i have to go to helsinki in september for a big hen do on a private spa island!
quick update:

the bike had a bent frame but it's now straightend. I've got new plastics, loads of bits from harris and suzuke to bolt onto it. the tank is being re-made. next race is less than 3 weeks away. should be ok.

have signed a new rider. he's 17 eeek oh my god he's fast, but V young.

i got the sack from work as...
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My race bike is fucked.

Bent frame
bent sub frame
Possible bent forks
twisted swinging arm
smashed fairing
mangeled fairing brace
smashed seat unit
destroyed exaust
wrecked bent both handle bars
mashed switch starter
Broken throttle cables
Split Power commander
Dented tank
snapped levers
totaled footrests.
mad mad mad mad mad

And we're racing in 5 weeks time! eeek
happy to hear its not terminal
can i come watch sometime?
i'm the ultimate voyeur... love
frown blackeyed

The bad luck sucks man. Hope it ll comes together soon.
ok here's the news:

Bike does 135BHPsmile

Bike runs well smile

I'm off to Wales on Friday and its raining frown

I get really stressed on race weekends. I don't even race anymore but as a team owner i get even more nervous. frown

Still. all i want is the guys to get a good podium and i have a good feeling about sunday's race, i feel the...
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yeah, i'll definitely make it cheap. now it all depends on someone lending me their bike, or finding the oem parts on ebay for a reasonable price... but i'm getting impatient! hoping to get my race liscense next week biggrin

>a car ? Classic Porche 911
just like me. Should be aTarga.

>a motorbike ? Mike Hailwoods MV
did you see that Proton just bought MV ? That should make MV go back to racing within a few years. Wanna bet ?

>a computer OS ? (Xp or Millenium or 9.2, etc....) sinclair ZX
ahahha i remember those ! i actually had one...

>an invention ? humilty for the Amercian people

gee, man, they're getting bad at that one, aren't they ? :-(

>a song ? white man in the hammersmith palais- the clash
yeah. Gee, i'm having a speed ' flashback wink

be well ! jimmeee
So what's new?

Well my bloody teeth hurt again. mad i know it's kinda stereotyping about us brits having bad teeth but bloody hell I'm sick of this.

I just had to spend 170 at the dentist. Bastard. mad

Anyway, Racing. Just over a week to go before the next one. I'm a bit nerous about it as my business partner is in Austalia so I'm running...
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She's not too far away.... kiss
I didn't get back to TN today yet as planned. That only leaves me 3 days at best at mom's...DAMNIT!!
It sux because if I drive to NC then I don't have anywhere to store my car when I leave for iraq. If fly in, there's no one to pick me up at the airport or even to drop me off in Nashville.
People suck when you need a favor.
I'll call if I get to my mom's...k?
If not, I'll have my computer here next week to use instead of this public one.
ok then, I'm now recoverd from the Isle of Man. so here'e a round up, in no peticular order of my life:

I haven't lost my other job. I'm still hanging in there. I might be on borrowed time though.

One of my riders has quit the team. good. i was about to sack him for the no show in ireland and the fact he...
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I'm back. blackeyed

I feel beat up. my whole body aches. why? because i abused it with alchohol. lots of it. puke

I'll find out today if i still have my other job as going to the IOM was a big no-no.

Anyway, less than 3 weeks to go to the next race.

I think i'll ride the Busa down to the workshop today, smoke cigars &...
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I'm back. blackeyed

I feel beat up. my whole body aches. why? because i abused it with alchohol. lots of it. puke

I'll find out today if i still have my other job as going to the IOM was a big no-no.

Anyway, less than 3 weeks to go to the next race.

I think i'll ride the Busa down to the workshop today, smoke cigars &...
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jeez, it never stops. eeek I had a call on Friday morning, "can you come to the Isle of Man TT, tonight and stay the week!"

flight & accomadation paid for, plus expenses & win bonus? how could i say no? smile

so, i'm here helping out an old friend in the pits & fettling the bike with his team and enjoying life to full.
*I'm young, I still bounce when I fall. So everything was fine.
But you!
Arn't you the lucky sonofabitch?

yes you are.
I don't need to be encouraged with the retail therapy but drugs...i always say no wink
So i take it you have friend trouble too?