ok then, I'm now recoverd from the Isle of Man. so here'e a round up, in no peticular order of my life:
I haven't lost my other job. I'm still hanging in there. I might be on borrowed time though.
One of my riders has quit the team. good. i was about to sack him for the no show in ireland and the fact he crashed at the previuos two races.
I have a new rider.
My team partner is off to Austaralia tommorrow so i'm running the whole thing in two weeks time at the next race.
My mum has gone back into hospital, the Chemo is having a bad effect on her. I'm not too sure how long she can put up with this.
My sister had another op, and she's not well. the cancer thing is bad
I've booked a holiday to The Gambia with my daughter. she's taking her boyfriend
not sure what i think about that.
haven't spoken to my on-line pal for ages and i miss that
I'm broke
England won
I haven't lost my other job. I'm still hanging in there. I might be on borrowed time though.
One of my riders has quit the team. good. i was about to sack him for the no show in ireland and the fact he crashed at the previuos two races.
I have a new rider.

My team partner is off to Austaralia tommorrow so i'm running the whole thing in two weeks time at the next race.
My mum has gone back into hospital, the Chemo is having a bad effect on her. I'm not too sure how long she can put up with this.
My sister had another op, and she's not well. the cancer thing is bad
I've booked a holiday to The Gambia with my daughter. she's taking her boyfriend

haven't spoken to my on-line pal for ages and i miss that

I'm broke

England won