This a sad sad update, !,
Jhonn Balance OF COIL (one of my favorite bands) , died in a tragic accident saturday, but i Just got word of it today!
Coil has allways had a special place in my heart , since I heard them the first time, some 10 years ago.
They made brilliant albums, like "Horse Rotorvator", "Stolen and Contaminated Songs" and "Loves Secret Domain" , They have allways been pioneers in the indusrtial/ electronic/ avantgarde music scene, and jhonn will surely be missed by me (and hopefully others), He had this mesmerizing voice, which you had to hear to believe it.
Well I probably hav to explain how he died, JHonn had a drinking problem and has tried several times to stop drinking , but allways failed, and he died (aparrently from drinking) since he fell from a first floor landing and landed on his head while under the influence of alchohol, he was found by Coil partner and longtime friend Peter Christofferson . and rushed to hospital, but alas, it was to late , he died shortly after.
for more info visit
So tonight I will drink a couple of beers and listen to my COIL cds,
Jhonn Balance OF COIL (one of my favorite bands) , died in a tragic accident saturday, but i Just got word of it today!
Coil has allways had a special place in my heart , since I heard them the first time, some 10 years ago.
They made brilliant albums, like "Horse Rotorvator", "Stolen and Contaminated Songs" and "Loves Secret Domain" , They have allways been pioneers in the indusrtial/ electronic/ avantgarde music scene, and jhonn will surely be missed by me (and hopefully others), He had this mesmerizing voice, which you had to hear to believe it.
Well I probably hav to explain how he died, JHonn had a drinking problem and has tried several times to stop drinking , but allways failed, and he died (aparrently from drinking) since he fell from a first floor landing and landed on his head while under the influence of alchohol, he was found by Coil partner and longtime friend Peter Christofferson . and rushed to hospital, but alas, it was to late , he died shortly after.
for more info visit
So tonight I will drink a couple of beers and listen to my COIL cds,
I don't know very much about Coil, but a lot of people talk about it.
I know the name and I might have heard a few of his songs.
Its sad to say, but sometimes you only get to really know some artists after they have passed away.
I'll make sure to find some of his work.
I'll be sure to raise my glass.
Take care my friend.