So i says to meself before i went to the casino last night that whatever i win, hlaf will go to the Red Cross for the Katrina Disaster Relief fund. After the evening, it looks as if the Red Cross will be getting $250 from me
Who rules--other than O'Doyle that is? Max16Characters does. That's who.
The story...
Thirty minutes after arrival i was down $200 and it was looking like that fund would owe ME money. However, just as things looked at their darkest, my luck picked up! In and unprecedented string of good luck, i managed to turn my last $150 (that i was willing to spend at the place) and turn that into $975 in a little over 15 minutes. I hit black jack like twice and got a coouple of 21s thrown into the mix as well. Assisting me was dealer busts on every shitty hand i had and winning on $200 bets when doubling down happened. I even received the elusive three 7's 21 which has never happened to me. So....basically, i'm sending $250 to the fund...and using the rest to buy my dream machine, the PSP. is good!
Today i went and saw this exhibit at the Seoul World Trade Center about plasticized human bodies. Wow was that amazing! It gave me a whole new respect for out bodies as i intellectually knew how complex they were, but after seeing them from the inside out, it blew me away. The freakiest thing i saw was the first exhibit of a plasticized human body with all the skin removed and arranged so that it was holding it's very own skin (now in leather form *shudder*).
Another fascinating exhibit was the one on fetal development. Seeing the actual progress from week to week is sooooo incredible. To think that at week 6 the embryo is littl more than a bunch of cells the size of a grain of rice and at week 7 it's about the size of a lima bean is mind blowing.
Also incredible were the exhibits featuring the disected vasculatory system and nervous system. It's gott take some sort of insane genius to be patient enough to cut away all the tissue surrounded every blood vessel and nerve in the body. I really wonder how the hell they do it.
I also think they had Einstein's brain on display too but i couldn't tell as it was written in Korean. Finally i got to hold an actual plasticized brain in my own hand and that was just creepy as fuck.
I suppose though the exhibit that hit home the most was seeing the smoking damaged lungs evident in soooo many of the exhibits (it's a dman good incentive to quit and once the pics are developed i'll be using them to stop my cravings).
Pictures of all this forthcoming (though i suppose it's not for the squeamish.

Who rules--other than O'Doyle that is? Max16Characters does. That's who.
The story...
Thirty minutes after arrival i was down $200 and it was looking like that fund would owe ME money. However, just as things looked at their darkest, my luck picked up! In and unprecedented string of good luck, i managed to turn my last $150 (that i was willing to spend at the place) and turn that into $975 in a little over 15 minutes. I hit black jack like twice and got a coouple of 21s thrown into the mix as well. Assisting me was dealer busts on every shitty hand i had and winning on $200 bets when doubling down happened. I even received the elusive three 7's 21 which has never happened to me. So....basically, i'm sending $250 to the fund...and using the rest to buy my dream machine, the PSP. is good!
Today i went and saw this exhibit at the Seoul World Trade Center about plasticized human bodies. Wow was that amazing! It gave me a whole new respect for out bodies as i intellectually knew how complex they were, but after seeing them from the inside out, it blew me away. The freakiest thing i saw was the first exhibit of a plasticized human body with all the skin removed and arranged so that it was holding it's very own skin (now in leather form *shudder*).
Another fascinating exhibit was the one on fetal development. Seeing the actual progress from week to week is sooooo incredible. To think that at week 6 the embryo is littl more than a bunch of cells the size of a grain of rice and at week 7 it's about the size of a lima bean is mind blowing.
Also incredible were the exhibits featuring the disected vasculatory system and nervous system. It's gott take some sort of insane genius to be patient enough to cut away all the tissue surrounded every blood vessel and nerve in the body. I really wonder how the hell they do it.
I also think they had Einstein's brain on display too but i couldn't tell as it was written in Korean. Finally i got to hold an actual plasticized brain in my own hand and that was just creepy as fuck.
I suppose though the exhibit that hit home the most was seeing the smoking damaged lungs evident in soooo many of the exhibits (it's a dman good incentive to quit and once the pics are developed i'll be using them to stop my cravings).
Pictures of all this forthcoming (though i suppose it's not for the squeamish.
i'll be back in oz around february.. and I'll be coming back again in September....

It wasn't a primary consideration, but it was definitely a selling point. Only the abjectly stupid buy real estate in South Louisiana without knowing their elevation and ground clearance, 'cause while this was catastrophic, minor, temporary flooding happens all the time. I've seen parts of uptown that were bone dry this time under two feet of water from a summer squall.