Thank you all so much for the b-day wishes!!!! It warms my heart to see so many of you from so far away wishing me a happy birthday when so far from home. I'll get back to you all as soon as i get the time, but with Harry Potter just being released, my time is well...consumed with Potter. Yes, i'm one of those people now, BUT i will not learn how to knit just so i can make scarves in House colors like my friend Alyssa did...i'll just ask her for one of them
The weekend was awesome all covered in mud and everything. That medicinal mud stuff is really awesome. But when there's hundreds of people walking around with dried mud all over themselves, they look a lot like zombies...eerily so in fact. It was pretty sweet. Pictures forthcoming.
Now's time to share something a little bit personal on the site that i've been keeping private for a while. A few months back i had a super-drunk one night stand. So drunk in fact that i did not realize the condom came off in the middle of the action so to speak. I really became worried when something that appeared to be symptoms of something showed up about a week later. Well a week ago i finally got the nerve to get a test and today i got my results back: NEGATIVE!!!!! In everything that is. That is one huge burden off my shoulders and i can sleep/breathe a helluva lot easier nowadays. Anyways, the moral here is don't be so drunk while having sex with a stranger that you don't notice something like a condom fall off. BIG MISTAKE!! Secondly, get tested ASAP if something of the nature occurs. You'll save yourself months/weeks of anguish that some blood tests and approximately 15 minutes of time will cure.
Now, this weekend i leave for Thailand for a week of fun in the sun. Note to self: Don't forget to pack the good angel on the shoulder to keep me from doing bad things. Apparently my friends i'm going with are really into getting some pills and i gotta stay the hell away from that shit...and some of the other stuff there too hehe. Well ttyl and once again, i'll get back to yinz asap.

The weekend was awesome all covered in mud and everything. That medicinal mud stuff is really awesome. But when there's hundreds of people walking around with dried mud all over themselves, they look a lot like zombies...eerily so in fact. It was pretty sweet. Pictures forthcoming.
Now's time to share something a little bit personal on the site that i've been keeping private for a while. A few months back i had a super-drunk one night stand. So drunk in fact that i did not realize the condom came off in the middle of the action so to speak. I really became worried when something that appeared to be symptoms of something showed up about a week later. Well a week ago i finally got the nerve to get a test and today i got my results back: NEGATIVE!!!!! In everything that is. That is one huge burden off my shoulders and i can sleep/breathe a helluva lot easier nowadays. Anyways, the moral here is don't be so drunk while having sex with a stranger that you don't notice something like a condom fall off. BIG MISTAKE!! Secondly, get tested ASAP if something of the nature occurs. You'll save yourself months/weeks of anguish that some blood tests and approximately 15 minutes of time will cure.
Now, this weekend i leave for Thailand for a week of fun in the sun. Note to self: Don't forget to pack the good angel on the shoulder to keep me from doing bad things. Apparently my friends i'm going with are really into getting some pills and i gotta stay the hell away from that shit...and some of the other stuff there too hehe. Well ttyl and once again, i'll get back to yinz asap.
But then again, maybe I'll stay.