Sinse i haven't bitched about this place in a while, here goes...
Ok, you know how in third world countries, schools are damn near dying for books to give to their kids? Any kind of book whatsoever as long as it's educational?
Yeah, so my school refuses to get books for the children. Instead, they spend rediculous amounts of money on stupid internet ventures (as if logging onto a website can replace being taught by me) but adamantly refuse at every request the most basic thing a child could want in a school--books. To"fill" this need, they have a bunch of educational texts that we're supposed to photo copy shit out of every day. Like i don't have better shit to do at work than sit in front of a fucking Xerox machine for two hours colating(sp?). It's a waste of a)my time b)resources [natural and otherwise] and c) money. There's plenty to go around there what with 900 kids being charged ~$150/month. But no, we instead get told that we're a "Montisory School" and that we're supposed to stress listening and speaking....fuck.
Ok, so a) i don't know jack shit about Montisorry education and b) i really don't know jack shit about Montisorry education and c) i don't think it's possible to correctly learn english [the grammar, spelling, and good reading comprehension] with the way we're "supposed" to teach. You have to learn things in a certain order and have good material to back you up. Now give me a text book and i can teach the shit out of it--and yes, we do have text books, just none for the actual kids which makes us do more work photo copying than actually preparing lessons for class. The other 'resource" we're supposed to use here are packets on various topics which are all about as useful as shit on a stick in a linen factory
. To teach the topic of restaurant for instance we get packets full of pictures of various foods and pre-written sentences...for hospital, we get the same thing. It's crap is what it is. Fuck it...
I definately ain't renewing my contract there next year if i stay on another year. At least i have the most awesome damn apartment an english teacher can hope to get here
Ok, you know how in third world countries, schools are damn near dying for books to give to their kids? Any kind of book whatsoever as long as it's educational?
Yeah, so my school refuses to get books for the children. Instead, they spend rediculous amounts of money on stupid internet ventures (as if logging onto a website can replace being taught by me) but adamantly refuse at every request the most basic thing a child could want in a school--books. To"fill" this need, they have a bunch of educational texts that we're supposed to photo copy shit out of every day. Like i don't have better shit to do at work than sit in front of a fucking Xerox machine for two hours colating(sp?). It's a waste of a)my time b)resources [natural and otherwise] and c) money. There's plenty to go around there what with 900 kids being charged ~$150/month. But no, we instead get told that we're a "Montisory School" and that we're supposed to stress listening and speaking....fuck.
Ok, so a) i don't know jack shit about Montisorry education and b) i really don't know jack shit about Montisorry education and c) i don't think it's possible to correctly learn english [the grammar, spelling, and good reading comprehension] with the way we're "supposed" to teach. You have to learn things in a certain order and have good material to back you up. Now give me a text book and i can teach the shit out of it--and yes, we do have text books, just none for the actual kids which makes us do more work photo copying than actually preparing lessons for class. The other 'resource" we're supposed to use here are packets on various topics which are all about as useful as shit on a stick in a linen factory

I definately ain't renewing my contract there next year if i stay on another year. At least i have the most awesome damn apartment an english teacher can hope to get here

That's crackified! Photo copy everything? wouldn't it be more cost effective to get the books?