Wow...the Helloween party was wicked awesome in the lingo of our SG Boston friends who traveled ALLLL that way hehe. I had an awesome time as the Crow and my lovely date Tisha was a Newsie and sooo cute.
The DJ was pretty sweet and actually got my uncoordinated ass out on the dance floor haha. The booze helped alot methinks
There were so many awesome costumes and fun people from all over which really helped to make it a good time.
After the official party was over the after party happened in the hallway upstairs. Craziness ensued with such fun things as human bowling with beer bottles haha. It was great though i did miss some of it when i had to take care of my lady friend Trish as she drank a bit too much...and well you know how that goes
After tucking Trish in, I went out and mingled with the other peepz around and i can't remember who i talked to, but i do know they were pretty damn awesome whoever they were. rule or whatever
So Trish--my date--is this really cute, really fun girl who's totally awesome. She's a friend of a friend and i guess you could call us "more than friends". I really like her and we get along great. And all these great qualities make what i'm about to say regrettable for all that it is exciting as well...
On November 12th, it looks like i will be heading down to the Republic of Korea to teach English for a year. I'm really excited about this opportunity and nervous at the same time. Excited because it's real change which is something i desperately need and nervous because it's real change and something i desperately need haha. At the same time, Trish is in my life which makes leaving not as appealing as it would have been a week ago because she's a really special girl.
So...things are interesting right now. Still hard to believe i'm out of here in less than three weeks...though maybe i can stretch that out to give me an extra weekend so we'll see.
PS...The Ass Pass created by Sid and Pip for Helloween was mucho awesome and well appreciated
The DJ was pretty sweet and actually got my uncoordinated ass out on the dance floor haha. The booze helped alot methinks

After the official party was over the after party happened in the hallway upstairs. Craziness ensued with such fun things as human bowling with beer bottles haha. It was great though i did miss some of it when i had to take care of my lady friend Trish as she drank a bit too much...and well you know how that goes

So Trish--my date--is this really cute, really fun girl who's totally awesome. She's a friend of a friend and i guess you could call us "more than friends". I really like her and we get along great. And all these great qualities make what i'm about to say regrettable for all that it is exciting as well...
On November 12th, it looks like i will be heading down to the Republic of Korea to teach English for a year. I'm really excited about this opportunity and nervous at the same time. Excited because it's real change which is something i desperately need and nervous because it's real change and something i desperately need haha. At the same time, Trish is in my life which makes leaving not as appealing as it would have been a week ago because she's a really special girl.
So...things are interesting right now. Still hard to believe i'm out of here in less than three weeks...though maybe i can stretch that out to give me an extra weekend so we'll see.
PS...The Ass Pass created by Sid and Pip for Helloween was mucho awesome and well appreciated

I'm just trying to go through the motions on this last year, to be honest with you.