I'll be going anon shortly...it's not that i don't like you peepz. It's just i like me more and it's something i need to do. My life is slipping away and i'm spending too much itme on here. I need to concentrate on worthwhile stuff like getting a job and picking up the pieces of my life and i don't think SG will help with that. I'll be tturning 24 on saturday with nothing really substantive to show for my time here. It's about fucking time to change that wouldn't ya think?
Maybe i'll be at SG camping...maybe not. Catch yinz on the flip

Edited to add this: I won't be going away forever, just a few weeks. If you need me, check out my contact AIM info or send me a note or whatever. I'll probably be going byebye on monday....so yinz got until then to show me some luv!

You are the only man I know who can snore and experience sexual pleasure at the same time!
Thanks for a great weekend! You are a funny, funny man! I hope to see you again soon!

you still here shithead?