So the best live act evar is coming to town on the 16th!!!11one The Aquabats are coming and i'm totally stoked for that. It's been YEARS sinse last i saw them and they totally rawk my cawk...but not in a gay way. I'm definately going to that on the 16th, the Darnkess come the next day which i may go to though i'm not sure about yet, and SG Cedar point 2.0 is that weekend. Can it get any better than that? Not really.
I watched the first two Harry Potter movies last night back to back with this girl Alyssa...i don't know what's happening there or what to do, but she's cool to at least hang with. It was funny hearing her explain everything to me about the movies the whole night. Oh, and the movies were great fun. I think i'm going to have to pick up the books and see the third movie though i hear it's weak compared to the previous two.
I just discovered a natural foods store not more than a minute from my house. How great is that? Super great i don't have to go all over freaking Pittsburgh to get stuff.
Being unemployed is boring. I need to get out more and do find a new job haha and other stuff. I'll figure it out eventually.
Edit: Somehow i managed to get two girls' numbers tonight. One number from a girl from Guam and one from somebody who somehow remembered me from college despite me having no recollection of her and us not going to school together for YEARS. I guess now i have to figure out what to do with them numbers.
Next edit: In honour of the brave men who stormed the beaches of Normandy, i will be watching Saving Private Ryan. May their sacrifice nor their accompolishments never be overlooked.
Post Next Edit: Talked to Jo (girl from Guam and short for Jo An) today and we're having coffee tomorrow at the Beehive (local awesome coffee shop). Afterwards, if things go well, we'll probably go and see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Whatever. Should be pretty sweet. Wish me luck.

I watched the first two Harry Potter movies last night back to back with this girl Alyssa...i don't know what's happening there or what to do, but she's cool to at least hang with. It was funny hearing her explain everything to me about the movies the whole night. Oh, and the movies were great fun. I think i'm going to have to pick up the books and see the third movie though i hear it's weak compared to the previous two.
I just discovered a natural foods store not more than a minute from my house. How great is that? Super great i don't have to go all over freaking Pittsburgh to get stuff.
Being unemployed is boring. I need to get out more and do find a new job haha and other stuff. I'll figure it out eventually.
Edit: Somehow i managed to get two girls' numbers tonight. One number from a girl from Guam and one from somebody who somehow remembered me from college despite me having no recollection of her and us not going to school together for YEARS. I guess now i have to figure out what to do with them numbers.
Next edit: In honour of the brave men who stormed the beaches of Normandy, i will be watching Saving Private Ryan. May their sacrifice nor their accompolishments never be overlooked.
Post Next Edit: Talked to Jo (girl from Guam and short for Jo An) today and we're having coffee tomorrow at the Beehive (local awesome coffee shop). Afterwards, if things go well, we'll probably go and see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Whatever. Should be pretty sweet. Wish me luck.
You should get the Harry Potter books. They are great, every one of them. I've seen all the movies and enjoyed them all but I must say that I enjoyed part three the least. They really left out a lot of important stuff from the book.
Well, if I don't catch you before the 16th then have fun at the Aquabats.