This week's episode of Max16Characters is brought you by Luck, a subdivision of Good Fortune....
Title: I Must Be Doing Something Right, or I'm A Lucky Douchebag.
I got to ride in a police car last night... So i should have been arrested and gotten a DUI last night but for reasons i still can't understand i wasn't. See i was at my fraternity's formal which was taking place at a local hotel. There was open bar there and i was taking full advantage of it all.
At around three in the morning, i decided to leave. Big mistake...about a mile down the road i realized there was no way i should be driving and was looking for a way to turn around when i saw the berries flashing. Seeing that i was totally fucked no matter what i did, i just pulled over and turned off the car, awaiting the hammer of justice to fall on me.
Officer: You been drinking tonight?
Me: Yeah
Officer: Where are you coming from?
Me: Sewickley Country Inn
Officer: This is your lucky break tonight. You'll probably never get a chance like this again. My partner will drive you car back to the Sewickley Country Inn and you can ride in the back of my police car....
And that's how it went down and i got off scott-free. I still can't believe it or understand why they let me off the hook on this one. Maybe somebody gave the officer a second chance years back when they shouldn't have and this is his way of equaling that Karma. I don't know, but i can accept it. I have truly learned a lesson here though.
1) Cops are allright peepz sometimes
2) I will NEVER do that again
3) Lady luck herself was with me last night.
I could have gotten a suspende license for 6 months and a $2000 fine, but i lucked out. This whole episode is surreal to me and i can't believe it still.
In other news, i have a date-type thing tomorrow. This girl i met and worked with on friday night will be the lucky girl. She's super cool and i picked up she's into me as the first thing she said was, "I love tall boys and i just want to take them all home."
Yay me. I invited her up to my place where the roomate was throwing a party and she was totally cool with everything. So we'll be seeing Jersey Girl tomorrow night. I can't wait. Wish me luck peepz.
I'm out like a candle as my friend B-ha likes to mis-quote.
Title: I Must Be Doing Something Right, or I'm A Lucky Douchebag.
I got to ride in a police car last night... So i should have been arrested and gotten a DUI last night but for reasons i still can't understand i wasn't. See i was at my fraternity's formal which was taking place at a local hotel. There was open bar there and i was taking full advantage of it all.
At around three in the morning, i decided to leave. Big mistake...about a mile down the road i realized there was no way i should be driving and was looking for a way to turn around when i saw the berries flashing. Seeing that i was totally fucked no matter what i did, i just pulled over and turned off the car, awaiting the hammer of justice to fall on me.
Officer: You been drinking tonight?
Me: Yeah
Officer: Where are you coming from?
Me: Sewickley Country Inn
Officer: This is your lucky break tonight. You'll probably never get a chance like this again. My partner will drive you car back to the Sewickley Country Inn and you can ride in the back of my police car....
And that's how it went down and i got off scott-free. I still can't believe it or understand why they let me off the hook on this one. Maybe somebody gave the officer a second chance years back when they shouldn't have and this is his way of equaling that Karma. I don't know, but i can accept it. I have truly learned a lesson here though.
1) Cops are allright peepz sometimes
2) I will NEVER do that again
3) Lady luck herself was with me last night.
I could have gotten a suspende license for 6 months and a $2000 fine, but i lucked out. This whole episode is surreal to me and i can't believe it still.
In other news, i have a date-type thing tomorrow. This girl i met and worked with on friday night will be the lucky girl. She's super cool and i picked up she's into me as the first thing she said was, "I love tall boys and i just want to take them all home."

I'm out like a candle as my friend B-ha likes to mis-quote.
It was spring for a few days, but it turned chilly again today.
damn it i wanna know how the date went.