Dreams. What's in a dream really? Are there meanings or just jumbled images?
The reason i ask is that i have recurring dreams...and not your usual kind (ie flying or walking naked into class though i've hadthose.) My most vivid recurring dreams actually are about reading books.
Now ordinarily that's not weird in and of itself. But in my dreams i pick up books i've never seen/read before and just start reading. Page after page of something i've never encountered before and yet i know every word contained within them. Sometimes the books are familiar (Shakespeare and the like) and sometimes they're just anonymous books.
I find it bizarre though that my mind is able to come up with page after page of material i read aloud in my dreams that makes sense. The bummer about the whole thing is that as soon as i wake up, i forget the words but remember the impression that the words gave me. I can remember moving my lips and uttering things that made sense, just not what they are.
Last night i had a similarif different dream. In this dream, for the first time, i was the one *making* the words. I wasn't reading but writing andpublic speaking andthe stuff coming out of my mouth i can remember as being the Tiffany Crystal of poetry in prose. Unfortunately, upon waking i forgot everything i said, but i remember the feeling of saying it and the realization that what i was saying in my dream was astounding in its articulate-ness and beauty.
Now if only i could remember more than fleeting glimpses into this corner of my mind. I guess what i'm wondering is what these dreams are trying to tell me. I've been toying with the idea of becoming an English teacher for a while which would tie in with this, but also, maybe it's my mind's way of telling me i have limitless untapped potential if i just looked within myself and freed it.
If this is what i'm getting out of my dream, then it does have meaning, but even if it's intrinsically and wholey meaningless my own tendency towards self analysis is giving it meaning. I'm creating meaning or discovering meaning for myself, but maybe there's something more to it. I wonder. In any case it's something worth looking into.
Got a big week this week. Docotr appointment on wednesday morning (the lump seems smaller and i think it just may be an ingrown hair, but i'm going to bring it up anyways.)
Thursday isee the SG Burlesque Show in Cleveland. Mini gripe here: why the fuck is it stopping in that asshole shaped pothole on the road to hell that is Cincinatti and not Pittsburgh? Cleveland i can understand, but not skipping the 'Burgh.
Then friday i come back here and hop on the car again for a road trip to visit myfriend in the Middle of Nowhere PA on our way to another road trip to Niagara Falls for a day or two of drinking, gambling and strippers. Plus some sightseeing thrown in there as well somewhere along the way. Should be fun.
Wow, this is like biblical in length here. Chapter 12, Verse 14 of the Book of Max16Characters. And ye i say to thee that Max12Characters beget Max13Characters and Max13Characters beget Max14Characters and Max14Characters beget Max15Characters and Max15Characters beget Max16Characters and thus was brought to the SG Website our author of this glourious Journal. Deliver us from Boredom Amen.
Ok, i'm done now
The reason i ask is that i have recurring dreams...and not your usual kind (ie flying or walking naked into class though i've hadthose.) My most vivid recurring dreams actually are about reading books.
Now ordinarily that's not weird in and of itself. But in my dreams i pick up books i've never seen/read before and just start reading. Page after page of something i've never encountered before and yet i know every word contained within them. Sometimes the books are familiar (Shakespeare and the like) and sometimes they're just anonymous books.
I find it bizarre though that my mind is able to come up with page after page of material i read aloud in my dreams that makes sense. The bummer about the whole thing is that as soon as i wake up, i forget the words but remember the impression that the words gave me. I can remember moving my lips and uttering things that made sense, just not what they are.
Last night i had a similarif different dream. In this dream, for the first time, i was the one *making* the words. I wasn't reading but writing andpublic speaking andthe stuff coming out of my mouth i can remember as being the Tiffany Crystal of poetry in prose. Unfortunately, upon waking i forgot everything i said, but i remember the feeling of saying it and the realization that what i was saying in my dream was astounding in its articulate-ness and beauty.
Now if only i could remember more than fleeting glimpses into this corner of my mind. I guess what i'm wondering is what these dreams are trying to tell me. I've been toying with the idea of becoming an English teacher for a while which would tie in with this, but also, maybe it's my mind's way of telling me i have limitless untapped potential if i just looked within myself and freed it.
If this is what i'm getting out of my dream, then it does have meaning, but even if it's intrinsically and wholey meaningless my own tendency towards self analysis is giving it meaning. I'm creating meaning or discovering meaning for myself, but maybe there's something more to it. I wonder. In any case it's something worth looking into.
Got a big week this week. Docotr appointment on wednesday morning (the lump seems smaller and i think it just may be an ingrown hair, but i'm going to bring it up anyways.)
Thursday isee the SG Burlesque Show in Cleveland. Mini gripe here: why the fuck is it stopping in that asshole shaped pothole on the road to hell that is Cincinatti and not Pittsburgh? Cleveland i can understand, but not skipping the 'Burgh.
Then friday i come back here and hop on the car again for a road trip to visit myfriend in the Middle of Nowhere PA on our way to another road trip to Niagara Falls for a day or two of drinking, gambling and strippers. Plus some sightseeing thrown in there as well somewhere along the way. Should be fun.
Wow, this is like biblical in length here. Chapter 12, Verse 14 of the Book of Max16Characters. And ye i say to thee that Max12Characters beget Max13Characters and Max13Characters beget Max14Characters and Max14Characters beget Max15Characters and Max15Characters beget Max16Characters and thus was brought to the SG Website our author of this glourious Journal. Deliver us from Boredom Amen.
Ok, i'm done now

if you have this reoccuring dream though, there is definitely meaning behind it. but a lot of people misinterpret the idea of dreams "meaning" something...you know? like dreaming about a white rabbit doesn't mean you're going to come into money within a week or something. i tthink that dreams can tell you things about yourself you may not have realized consciously, but not much more. unless you have special powers, hehe. so yeah....it's kinda like your subconscious is trying to point out to you something about yourself - your tendencies, your desires, your idiosyncracies...things you're stressed over and didn't even realize were affecting you.. worth thinking about, helps you get to know yourself better in my opinion.
As with Lorelei, I'm glad to hear that you are considering a move towards a meatless diet. As you can see already, she's an expert on the subject and a good cheerleader as well.
If there's ever a Cleveland-area SG meetup, we should all go to Szchewan Garden in Lakewood. Their veggie menu will knock your socks off.
What did you think of the show? Bet you were glad to be towering over everyone else. Hope you didn't get doused with chocolate sauce though.