*Holiday Rant Coming*
So, I went out today to pay some bills and go to my employers mailroom (most of us here have our packages delivered to the office mailroom as it's much easier). I noticed once again there was nothing for me there. The last time i got something from home in the mail was around mid august and my birthday is mid july. That's OK though, it can be a little complicated and costly to mail stuff here. But not seeing any mail for me today and heaps of mail for (seemingly) everybody else got me thinking.
In the 4+ years i've lived here, i've had a phone call from home to here about twice. Two times. Only two times in 4 years have either of my parents sat down and taken the time to figure out how to call here (and to be honest it was only my mom that figured it out). And those calls were 3 years ago. I've emailed multiple times with my number and how to call internationally or mail internationally and I can't remember how many times i've been asked again and again what my address is or what my phone number is (i don't know why they'd want my phone number when they can't bother to call it, but oh well.).
It just pisses me off. Here. Alone. For the holidays. Sure, some of my friends are here in Korea, but there's no one here i really feel comfortable bitching about this stuff too. Anybody i would feel comfortable talking to about this is back home.....and also hasn't managed to figure out how to call me. My parents aren't stupid. My brother isn't and my friends aren't either. So, why is it on me all the time to make the effort? I've spent over half a month's salary every year for the past 3 years coming home. That's a lot of money to me. To be fair, my brother did come and visit for a few days which was awesome but it wouldn't kill my mother who makes close to 80 grand a year to come out here.
Oh well...time to say hello to Mr. Boozeinabottleorperhapsglass.
Happy New Year everyone.
So, I went out today to pay some bills and go to my employers mailroom (most of us here have our packages delivered to the office mailroom as it's much easier). I noticed once again there was nothing for me there. The last time i got something from home in the mail was around mid august and my birthday is mid july. That's OK though, it can be a little complicated and costly to mail stuff here. But not seeing any mail for me today and heaps of mail for (seemingly) everybody else got me thinking.
In the 4+ years i've lived here, i've had a phone call from home to here about twice. Two times. Only two times in 4 years have either of my parents sat down and taken the time to figure out how to call here (and to be honest it was only my mom that figured it out). And those calls were 3 years ago. I've emailed multiple times with my number and how to call internationally or mail internationally and I can't remember how many times i've been asked again and again what my address is or what my phone number is (i don't know why they'd want my phone number when they can't bother to call it, but oh well.).
It just pisses me off. Here. Alone. For the holidays. Sure, some of my friends are here in Korea, but there's no one here i really feel comfortable bitching about this stuff too. Anybody i would feel comfortable talking to about this is back home.....and also hasn't managed to figure out how to call me. My parents aren't stupid. My brother isn't and my friends aren't either. So, why is it on me all the time to make the effort? I've spent over half a month's salary every year for the past 3 years coming home. That's a lot of money to me. To be fair, my brother did come and visit for a few days which was awesome but it wouldn't kill my mother who makes close to 80 grand a year to come out here.
Oh well...time to say hello to Mr. Boozeinabottleorperhapsglass.
Happy New Year everyone.
That really sucks. 

A very fitting quote. For me it's more about hitting back. I did the "keep standing" thing for a long time fulfilling, and that is not fulfilling or rewarding at all. So to me fighting back is what it is all about.