While posting in another forum in a debate on Iraq, i did a little bit of calculations and came to this conclusion:
A bit of perspective on the cost of the war in Iraq.
To put it another way...by the time i'm done typing this, it will cost about another million dollars.
Or another way....if you had a stack of one dollar bills equal to the current cost of the war, it would be 37, 224 miles high or about 1.5 times the circumference of the Earth.
Many argue that the war could cost twice that. Or more.
What a truly stunning return on investment, eh?
The lives of those lost in this fiasco can, of course, never be replaced and are of unknowable value.
George Carlin died and that truly sucks... His humor and take on things will surely be missed.
This blows too:

Hell, at least i got to see some incredible hockey though thanks to the magic of the internet. But with a team this talented, i'm sure this won't be their last brush with Lord Stanley.
In other news, went to an awesome veggie dinner party in Seoul hosted by my friend Betsy who's truly a marvel of hospitality. My vegan mini curry calzones were quite the hit which was gratifying. Recipe found here with some modifications. It was pretty great times until i drunkenly fell oon some steps and managed to sprain both the top AND bottom of my foot yet somehow the ankle was fine.
I also saw the best show ever this month: Evil Dead the Musical. It was all in Korean, but i somehow think it made it awesomer, especially considering it broke the language barrier by being completely unintelligible yet i was able to follow the story. Hurray. The highlight of the day was my friend Will who dressed like a zombie for the show and actually walked around Seoul dressed that way. But my friend Alex pussied out on dressing as Ash, claiming severe hangover
PS--If you haven't seen this set, go now and vote. It's fan-fuckingtastic.
A bit of perspective on the cost of the war in Iraq.
To put it another way...by the time i'm done typing this, it will cost about another million dollars.
Or another way....if you had a stack of one dollar bills equal to the current cost of the war, it would be 37, 224 miles high or about 1.5 times the circumference of the Earth.
Many argue that the war could cost twice that. Or more.
What a truly stunning return on investment, eh?
The lives of those lost in this fiasco can, of course, never be replaced and are of unknowable value.
George Carlin died and that truly sucks... His humor and take on things will surely be missed.
This blows too:

Hell, at least i got to see some incredible hockey though thanks to the magic of the internet. But with a team this talented, i'm sure this won't be their last brush with Lord Stanley.
In other news, went to an awesome veggie dinner party in Seoul hosted by my friend Betsy who's truly a marvel of hospitality. My vegan mini curry calzones were quite the hit which was gratifying. Recipe found here with some modifications. It was pretty great times until i drunkenly fell oon some steps and managed to sprain both the top AND bottom of my foot yet somehow the ankle was fine.
I also saw the best show ever this month: Evil Dead the Musical. It was all in Korean, but i somehow think it made it awesomer, especially considering it broke the language barrier by being completely unintelligible yet i was able to follow the story. Hurray. The highlight of the day was my friend Will who dressed like a zombie for the show and actually walked around Seoul dressed that way. But my friend Alex pussied out on dressing as Ash, claiming severe hangover

PS--If you haven't seen this set, go now and vote. It's fan-fuckingtastic.
So, Korea is treating you good? I may start applying for jobs there soon.
I agree with most Repub idealologies and most moderate repubs agree that religion should not be the law of the land. I'm pretty moderate for the most part, just right of center.