I love technology! I just went out and bought a 2.5", 120G, USB 2.0 powered portable hard drive. It's a little bigger than my wallet and weighs only a few more ounces but holds so much info! It's blazing fast too! I can transfer 2G of files in only 3-4 minutes. After this weekend i should have so much more free space on my laptop.
In other news, i have a job interview tomorrow for what i think will actually be a better job. Same job really, but in a better location, in an actual apartment and not working for whackjobs! Wish me luck with that, though i'm pretty sure that i'll do well. Getting a job is so fucking easy out here, it's rediculous.
In other work related news, things are also going well. I was pretty frustrated this week at a couple points and really grilled the kids because they just wouldn't shut the fuck up. In all honesty though, it's pretty damn hard to control a classroom of 36-40 kids who can't entirely understand what you're saying. Still, i think i do a pretty damn good job at it: I can actually get the whole class to shut up in 5 seconds flat. The trouble is, they don't stay quiet which is frustrating. IT's also frustrating that they seem to make such little progress, but i guess i shouldn't get too bent out of shape about that when my 5th graders only have English for 80 minutes a week and my 4th graders only get 40 minutes a week, not to mention the huge numbers of classes that get cancelled all the time (which i shouldn't really complain about because it's all less work for me, but the lack of routine can be unsettling.) I must say though, that despite everything, the past couple days have been really awesome with me and the kids ahving some great times.
That's about all for now folks. Keep it real bitches.
In other news, i have a job interview tomorrow for what i think will actually be a better job. Same job really, but in a better location, in an actual apartment and not working for whackjobs! Wish me luck with that, though i'm pretty sure that i'll do well. Getting a job is so fucking easy out here, it's rediculous.
In other work related news, things are also going well. I was pretty frustrated this week at a couple points and really grilled the kids because they just wouldn't shut the fuck up. In all honesty though, it's pretty damn hard to control a classroom of 36-40 kids who can't entirely understand what you're saying. Still, i think i do a pretty damn good job at it: I can actually get the whole class to shut up in 5 seconds flat. The trouble is, they don't stay quiet which is frustrating. IT's also frustrating that they seem to make such little progress, but i guess i shouldn't get too bent out of shape about that when my 5th graders only have English for 80 minutes a week and my 4th graders only get 40 minutes a week, not to mention the huge numbers of classes that get cancelled all the time (which i shouldn't really complain about because it's all less work for me, but the lack of routine can be unsettling.) I must say though, that despite everything, the past couple days have been really awesome with me and the kids ahving some great times.
That's about all for now folks. Keep it real bitches.

I will upload the Japan pictures soon, main problem is the file limit imposed on uploading pictures(my pics are 1mb in size) and I am not keen to put the pictures onto fotopic.