Japan was pretty fantastic! I saw a little humanoid robot doing cartwheels in the street and bowing and waving. That was the pinnacle of the trip really--well getting to meet Fenchurch and some other SGers was the real highlight.
We got faced at this Irish Pub, The Blarney Stone, where we saw a pretty wicked covere band play. Well, they were pretty wicked until they said that the Violent Femmes' Blisterin in the Sun was sung by the White Stripes
AFter that, it was off to Karaoke, where the Tequilla shots seemed to catch up with people. Skank_zero was the first vomit causalty. But, being the trooper whe was, kept on singing Karaoke. MadNeil soon passed out, but not before we got to hear a real Scotsman sing 500 Miles by the Proclaimers (with me on back up). Next, came stumbling to a train station awaiting public transportation home. Madneil succamb to the Tequilla at this poinnt and vomitted. Zobop, wishing to help him actually ended up with som vomit on his suit. Not pretty. Still, the whole night was a blast.
Getting back to the robot. Lots of people go to places in Asia and want to see the temples and palaces and stuff. Well when i went to Osaka, i really onoly went to see the crazy side of Japanese life--roobts, harajuka girls, neon lights and yes, America Town (which really exists Simpsons fans.) I saw exactly what i wante dto see and it was great.
Note to Osaka visitors: Osaka Castle blows! It's a concrete replica of a 17th century Japanese Castle. It looks cool from the outside, but inside, ther's plasma screens and a freaking elevator! Weak. Still, there was some cool exhibits there such as Samurai armor and the like.
Overall, the trip was great and refreshing. It's great to get out of Korea every now and then. I lilke it here in Korea (for the most part) but every once in a while, one needs to get outta' Dodge so to speak.
We got faced at this Irish Pub, The Blarney Stone, where we saw a pretty wicked covere band play. Well, they were pretty wicked until they said that the Violent Femmes' Blisterin in the Sun was sung by the White Stripes

Getting back to the robot. Lots of people go to places in Asia and want to see the temples and palaces and stuff. Well when i went to Osaka, i really onoly went to see the crazy side of Japanese life--roobts, harajuka girls, neon lights and yes, America Town (which really exists Simpsons fans.) I saw exactly what i wante dto see and it was great.
Note to Osaka visitors: Osaka Castle blows! It's a concrete replica of a 17th century Japanese Castle. It looks cool from the outside, but inside, ther's plasma screens and a freaking elevator! Weak. Still, there was some cool exhibits there such as Samurai armor and the like.
Overall, the trip was great and refreshing. It's great to get out of Korea every now and then. I lilke it here in Korea (for the most part) but every once in a while, one needs to get outta' Dodge so to speak.
By the way... There's an outside chance that I might be sent to Korea for a short TDY come the second half of August. Perhaps some beers are in order?
I've been meaning to update, but it seems like everything's so hectic lately. Case in point, I have to rush off today on account of my Godson being born!