Poetry Hurts Me 2: "This Time It's Personal."
Once again...
Gracing my eyes across the fetid fields of diary sites, and poor poetry... I once again realize that most of it annoys me. Most of it is teen angst, with a touch of BAD POETRY! Well.. more like a LOT of bad poetry. Those of you who write poetry without the bardic touch...
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Once again...
Gracing my eyes across the fetid fields of diary sites, and poor poetry... I once again realize that most of it annoys me. Most of it is teen angst, with a touch of BAD POETRY! Well.. more like a LOT of bad poetry. Those of you who write poetry without the bardic touch...
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Work, Work, Work. It's all I ever DO anymore!
No one writes me notes. It makes me sad.
Poetry hurts me!
As I go all over the internet,
Noting random peoples diary/journal entries.... I notice more and more poems. No offense to those people, or the internet, but most of them suck ass. I swear. I read the poem and I wonder what the person ate that day. I can't say that my poetry is any better, but if I think it's bad,...
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As I go all over the internet,
Noting random peoples diary/journal entries.... I notice more and more poems. No offense to those people, or the internet, but most of them suck ass. I swear. I read the poem and I wonder what the person ate that day. I can't say that my poetry is any better, but if I think it's bad,...
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So, new job. Full time work. No free time. But, making lots of cash.
Now... I hope I'll eventually have the time to spend it.
Gonna go out clubbing tonight. Hopefully... i'll get really really smashed. That'll take the edge off this whole fucking week. Thank god for having friday off.
Now... I hope I'll eventually have the time to spend it.
Gonna go out clubbing tonight. Hopefully... i'll get really really smashed. That'll take the edge off this whole fucking week. Thank god for having friday off.
Random Thought: Why does this chicken noodle soup taste like it's really old?
probably cuz it came in a can. and that can probably had a shelf life of like 4 years.. so somehow all the ingredients (especially that nasty fatty crap in thre) probably settled or did sumthin funny.

So, I'm quitting my job. Gonna get a few new ones. Maybe a change of pace will help me out. Challenge me more. That kinda jazz... OR... I'm gonna be overworked, and cranky all the time. Sure I'll be making money... but I won't have the time to spend it, right?
We'll see how that goes...
We'll see how that goes...
So, I'm quitting my job. Gonna get a few new ones. Maybe a change of pace will help me out. Challenge me more. That kinda jazz... OR... I'm gonna be overworked, and cranky all the time. Sure I'll be making money... but I won't have the time to spend it, right?
We'll see how that goes...
We'll see how that goes...
Speaking of fucking work... I think I'm gonna go to Olive Garden tonight with my Lisa just to spite them.
Mua ha ha.
Mua ha ha.
Well, another gorgeous day. To the beach I go again. Work is trying to call me in, though... They want me to work tonight from 4-11. And to that I say a wonderful "Fuck you!" Who cares if they write me up? I have two other jobs lined up, and they can kiss my ass.
So, to my job, a spirited "Fuck off!", and to...
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So, to my job, a spirited "Fuck off!", and to...
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Goddamn. Today is friggin gorgeous out. Which, makes me glad since I've got all weekend of. Saweet! Got two job offers today. It makes me happy because I felt like I was stuck in such a rut recently. Now, my spirits have been lifted because I feel like I'm getting my confidance back.
Wish me luck, folks.
Wish me luck, folks.
it's really hot here. i never thought i would ever say this, but i am officially done with summer. over it. sick of it. i want the rain and cold. now.