I think i finally managed to end things with jerm. i pissed him off on accident and it felt so good i just ran with it. he wrote me a nasty letter and i officially told him to leave me alone and blocked him. YAY me. i have a lot of dirt on him so maybe he really will leave well enough alone. i'm pretty much done with sg, i'm on a gift account anyway. i can find other ways to meet friends. other message boards. This was supposed to be my secret safe place and i got completely outed. I'm not even sure how it all happened. if anyone wants to stay in touch let me know. i feel relieved but kinda sick at the same time, but i've been up since three this morning. I wish i had someone i could call but most people are asleep or at work or they know jerm so i can't talk to them.
I am sorry to see you leave.

It is a sad day. Hope you reconsider and stay, but if you must go, then may you have a safe journey