Been having mood swings and not getting much sleep but things have been good considering. Jerm said he was gonna leave town again but keeps coming up with excuses not to. Schools started back so I'm alone all day, but its a good thing. I don't mind being alone during the day so much, it feels safer when its light out. Been working on an old story and reading friends work and playing a lot of games. Computer games that is.
We thought Rex was past his little monster phase but he's been a hellion the last few days. Funny thing, he's been catching mice, he's gotten 6 so far. It's wierd cause we didn't know we had mice no idea where he gets them, but its hard to get them away from him lol. I don't have anything good to journal about it just seemed time.
We thought Rex was past his little monster phase but he's been a hellion the last few days. Funny thing, he's been catching mice, he's gotten 6 so far. It's wierd cause we didn't know we had mice no idea where he gets them, but its hard to get them away from him lol. I don't have anything good to journal about it just seemed time.
I like the new name.
And the same person. 

Frank and Misty