today was rough probably because i'm having to go without meds again. its always my friends that see me through the days but i never seem to mention that just the stressful parts.
I made the horrible mistake of taking a nap for a few hours today and not being available when jerm called so he was threatening to come over here in the messages he left that i heard when i woke up. And sure enough he did, but he just wanted something, to mooch, and he was happy to leave after he told me a few crazy stories like always. For instance tonight is narc night. Once a week the cops all drive around in their regular cars and see what trouble they can run into when people think its safe and theres no cops around. Jerm got kicked out of his house for the night because his sister "secretly" wanted to smoke meth with a baby in the house. I try not to be judgemental but i just can't imagine that. On my best day when i'm clean i'd still worry about forgetting my baby somewhere i can't imagine taking care of one all fucked up. Pets are really the way to go, not kids. You can tell pets to shut up and go away for awhile and they won't need therapy for it later.
Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist, I'm gonna be there a long time, i'm hoping he gasses me into oblivion. Sometimes it feels like my eyes are gonna roll back in my head, lots of times i just fall asleep. I have a great dentist, he's gone out of the way to see me last minute just so i can have a nice smile for a date. And he's really sweet and gentle, the kind of person where it sounds like everything he's saying is an apology. Sometimes i feel like i like the doctors and waiters and drive thru guys more than my own friends. I guess because its safe, its supposed to be professional. And I guess part of it is being in a small town, you see the same people week after week year after year and everyone just becomes family.
three cheers for laughing gas
and god bless you everyone
I made the horrible mistake of taking a nap for a few hours today and not being available when jerm called so he was threatening to come over here in the messages he left that i heard when i woke up. And sure enough he did, but he just wanted something, to mooch, and he was happy to leave after he told me a few crazy stories like always. For instance tonight is narc night. Once a week the cops all drive around in their regular cars and see what trouble they can run into when people think its safe and theres no cops around. Jerm got kicked out of his house for the night because his sister "secretly" wanted to smoke meth with a baby in the house. I try not to be judgemental but i just can't imagine that. On my best day when i'm clean i'd still worry about forgetting my baby somewhere i can't imagine taking care of one all fucked up. Pets are really the way to go, not kids. You can tell pets to shut up and go away for awhile and they won't need therapy for it later.
Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist, I'm gonna be there a long time, i'm hoping he gasses me into oblivion. Sometimes it feels like my eyes are gonna roll back in my head, lots of times i just fall asleep. I have a great dentist, he's gone out of the way to see me last minute just so i can have a nice smile for a date. And he's really sweet and gentle, the kind of person where it sounds like everything he's saying is an apology. Sometimes i feel like i like the doctors and waiters and drive thru guys more than my own friends. I guess because its safe, its supposed to be professional. And I guess part of it is being in a small town, you see the same people week after week year after year and everyone just becomes family.
three cheers for laughing gas
and god bless you everyone
You're sweet... need glasses, but sweet.

for the record i hear what your saying about the baby, but i called childwellfair on this girl smoking crack around her child, and everyone knew she was a crack whore and nothing ever happened.