Trying to not be nervous about the play tomorrow but as they say, trying is lying. I seem to be finding things to worry about at this point. I need to take a chill pill. At least i managed to stay awake most of today. I got the itch to play a mmorpg so I picked up guildwars at the store. Its different that what i'm used to but still fun.
Rex is half grown already, he likes to watch the birds out the window and make little meeping noises. We started using a spray water bottle on him when he gets into something he shouldn't and he's suddenly learned what No means very quickly. He's calmed down a bit although he still attacks anything that moves.
My great Aunts are coming into town tomorrow for brunch. We're going to the country buffet where all the old people go. My grandparents are going of course.
Jerm finally went back to work so he's out of my hair for awhile. I think i'm going to try to be very busy this weekend. If i stop answering the phone for him he makes unexpected visits to my house so i have to pay enough attention to him to keep him away. I just can't handle the chaos that comes with him all the time, and he always wants something. He's got me trained to where i just tell him what he wants to hear all the time so i feel like i'm not even that great a friend. sometimes i feel like i'm his bitch. *sigh*
Rex is half grown already, he likes to watch the birds out the window and make little meeping noises. We started using a spray water bottle on him when he gets into something he shouldn't and he's suddenly learned what No means very quickly. He's calmed down a bit although he still attacks anything that moves.
My great Aunts are coming into town tomorrow for brunch. We're going to the country buffet where all the old people go. My grandparents are going of course.
Jerm finally went back to work so he's out of my hair for awhile. I think i'm going to try to be very busy this weekend. If i stop answering the phone for him he makes unexpected visits to my house so i have to pay enough attention to him to keep him away. I just can't handle the chaos that comes with him all the time, and he always wants something. He's got me trained to where i just tell him what he wants to hear all the time so i feel like i'm not even that great a friend. sometimes i feel like i'm his bitch. *sigh*
good luck with the play!
you'll do fine tonight, I'll speak to you tomorrow
and you can tell me about it