I kept waking up sweaty from wierd dreams all night, even after i turned down the heater. I've got the curse for the first time in years since i've been on depo provera and it really sucks. That being said life is pretty sweet. As long as no more pets or relatives die how can i complain? I'm sure I'll find a way.
Chris is making a lot of noise for me to come see him, but I don't have the gas to get out there. Even if i did I'm not sure how i feel after last time. I wouldn't mind watching a movie with him or just sitting and talking and stuff. I think that would be good actually. So i could tell how i felt about him without being in a position where things are expected. I'm pretty confused about what to do about my feelings lately. Things have changed for the better i think but its still confusing. I haven't gone out since my uncle died except for drive thrus and getting milk for coffee. I think its finally starting to bother me. Too bad Jerms at work till thursday. Oh well I is all around confuz-ed but its all good.
Chris is making a lot of noise for me to come see him, but I don't have the gas to get out there. Even if i did I'm not sure how i feel after last time. I wouldn't mind watching a movie with him or just sitting and talking and stuff. I think that would be good actually. So i could tell how i felt about him without being in a position where things are expected. I'm pretty confused about what to do about my feelings lately. Things have changed for the better i think but its still confusing. I haven't gone out since my uncle died except for drive thrus and getting milk for coffee. I think its finally starting to bother me. Too bad Jerms at work till thursday. Oh well I is all around confuz-ed but its all good.
Just a quick "Love yah!" 

You will eventually feel better. Sometimes it takes time.