My vacation is over and i'm back at work

I got so used to doing as I pleased and sleeping in and spending so much time with Jay.
Vacation was good... I saw Toez and her family, went camping, went to Davis,Ca to see a friend who has now moved to Washington and I spent the night at Jays parents house while we was working.
His mom is very excited about the wedding; it's kind of cute.
We have officially booked our wedding site.

And I have planned/picked most of the stuff for the wedding... It's just a matter of buying and executing for the most part.
I got my hair cut. It's not really worth taking a picture to show... all I did was cut off the hair that was turning my bob into a mullet. I really like my new hairdresser... even though it's rough to pay $75 (after tip) for a haircut.

I mean, that wouldn't have phased me a few years ago but I just don't really have the money for this (hence putting off hair cuts till I damn near look like Florence Henderson).
I have a couple of weddings to attend in the next 2 months... but not sure what I will wear and I don't exactly have the money to buy a new outfit. Hrm.
Although, i'm double excited for the weddings.. I mean, yay, friends getting married and all that jazz... but I am also secretly (or not so secretly) looking forward to internally critiquing these weddings and comparing what I like and dislike etc.
But then again, there probably won't be much I don't like because well... the weddings are those of our friends and I only keep kick ass friends around.
In other news I made some pretty tasty lemon pound cake last week and i've totally been falling into old habits. I really need to get my ass into gear. In theory this wedding is supposed to be extra motivation to get healthier... yet somehow, ever since we got engaged, i've been pigging out and packin on the pounds! Yikes.
I mean, I already got rid of my 'fat' jeans and i'll be damned if I buy any new jeans unless they are a size smaller than what I wear now.
Jay and I went for sushi for the first time in a LONG time. We used to go every week before he'd go back to work but now we're trying to spend less and thus sushi hasn't been happening. Alas, I think we decided that instead of eating so much of the other take out/ restaurant food we will try and go to sushi more again. It was super yum. We went to our favorite place and they had totally redone the interior!! We hadn't been there in so long... that we didn't even know about the renovations. It looks so good... however, my favorite chubby Asian sushi chef no long works there. But I guess rumor has it that he's going to be opening up his own sushi restaurant. My next mission is to stalk him and find our more about this.
Do you like how I just skip around in my blog from one topic to the next not really connecting them? Yeah, I do too. Is this blog the suck or what?
Soon I'll so some photo dump or show my naughty bits or something a bit more entertaining.