I'm bored and home alone. Jason went back to work today. I was so tired this morning but very sad when I heard him walk down the stairs and then soon drive off.
I'm looking forward to being in Sacramento again on Friday. I'm excited to see Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers again. I'll also be smitten if we end up seeing some more SGSAC folks again.
Speaking of which.. the SGSAC bbq was great. It was nice meeting new people and omeganightmare and I had a great time.
Jason and I also saw Coheed and Cambria in Oakland that night. It was an awesome show. I loved the acoustic stuff the most (like I always do).
I'm really struggling this month with eating healthy. I'm gaining and not losing. I'm going to try and only eat out 1-2 more times this month (when i'm out of town). Hopefully this will be a bit easier since I'm pretty poor for the rest of the month unless I make some money camming - which for multiple reasons is very unlikely this month.
Anyhow.. I still have a pipe dream of shedding 10 lbs this month. I guess I've lost 1-2 so far (that I had gained back). I wish I had someone local to work out with me. I am the suck at getting active alone.
Anyhow. thats that. Guh, i'm boring.
I'm looking forward to being in Sacramento again on Friday. I'm excited to see Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers again. I'll also be smitten if we end up seeing some more SGSAC folks again.
Speaking of which.. the SGSAC bbq was great. It was nice meeting new people and omeganightmare and I had a great time.
Jason and I also saw Coheed and Cambria in Oakland that night. It was an awesome show. I loved the acoustic stuff the most (like I always do).
I'm really struggling this month with eating healthy. I'm gaining and not losing. I'm going to try and only eat out 1-2 more times this month (when i'm out of town). Hopefully this will be a bit easier since I'm pretty poor for the rest of the month unless I make some money camming - which for multiple reasons is very unlikely this month.
Anyhow.. I still have a pipe dream of shedding 10 lbs this month. I guess I've lost 1-2 so far (that I had gained back). I wish I had someone local to work out with me. I am the suck at getting active alone.
Anyhow. thats that. Guh, i'm boring.
it was so cool to meet you guys Saturday!
It should happen more often, but I know you've got a drive! 

Helping us move will be a workout lol