My car didn't pass smog... As in... my emissions were like double what the max is.
So... I think ima sell my car to the government. They pay $1000 which is more than what I can get elsewhere. And that will be money for a down payment. I also need to come up with some more money too..
I need to start busting ass on My Girl Fund.
I have also considered doing phone sex stuff in the past... maybe it's time to look into that again now that Jay and I live on our own. I think thats where the money is at... if I can get into the right place.
This is serious motivation for a new car. Lucky me Jay has offered to cosign and such.
Its just more stress that I don't want to deal with right now. I really can't put anymore money into this car. I got it for free when I was 16 as a gift... Ive driven it for 5 years and now its time for it to go onto shitty car heaven.
On another note, whilst waiting for my car to be smogged,I met an interesting fellow at starbucks. There I was sipping my skinny caramel macchiato doing psychology homework in the comfy leather chair when he asked to take the other seat next to me. His name was Fred. He had long brown hair and was wearing an interesting suit with a top hat furnished with a feather and holding his ornate cane. He liked my hair and told me he used to have pink hair...he also told me about how mohawks originated and told me what native american tribe he was from (although I forget
). He was a vietnam vet with PTSD and we talked about therapy and medication. He showed me a picture of his pretty daughter who is majoring in music.
Tomorrow he will be at the Pelican Art Gallery in Petaluma.. The second Wednesday of every month they have what is called "West Side Stories". Its basically open mic to the first 10 who wish to tell a story based on that weeks theme/topic. Tomorrows topic is Luck.
I think I would like to go...
Maybe someday i'd speak. Tomorrows theme is luck, the following month is death and taxes and the next is spring.
I've always wanted to start public speaking.. maybe this is a good place to start.
So... I think ima sell my car to the government. They pay $1000 which is more than what I can get elsewhere. And that will be money for a down payment. I also need to come up with some more money too..
I need to start busting ass on My Girl Fund.
I have also considered doing phone sex stuff in the past... maybe it's time to look into that again now that Jay and I live on our own. I think thats where the money is at... if I can get into the right place.
This is serious motivation for a new car. Lucky me Jay has offered to cosign and such.
Its just more stress that I don't want to deal with right now. I really can't put anymore money into this car. I got it for free when I was 16 as a gift... Ive driven it for 5 years and now its time for it to go onto shitty car heaven.
On another note, whilst waiting for my car to be smogged,I met an interesting fellow at starbucks. There I was sipping my skinny caramel macchiato doing psychology homework in the comfy leather chair when he asked to take the other seat next to me. His name was Fred. He had long brown hair and was wearing an interesting suit with a top hat furnished with a feather and holding his ornate cane. He liked my hair and told me he used to have pink hair...he also told me about how mohawks originated and told me what native american tribe he was from (although I forget

Tomorrow he will be at the Pelican Art Gallery in Petaluma.. The second Wednesday of every month they have what is called "West Side Stories". Its basically open mic to the first 10 who wish to tell a story based on that weeks theme/topic. Tomorrows topic is Luck.
I think I would like to go...
Maybe someday i'd speak. Tomorrows theme is luck, the following month is death and taxes and the next is spring.
I've always wanted to start public speaking.. maybe this is a good place to start.
Tonight, Friday night we're hanging in SF. Call and come with?
yo when you gonna come by and gimmme a hummer I mean ride!