Dear Crappy Bay Area Drivers,
Using your turn signal is the law.
Also, you dumb fuck yuppies and hippies in your hybrids*... can you please put your car pool access stickers on the correct side of your vehicle? They come with instructions and notably you must adhere some of them on the RIGHT side of your vehicle. They should be on the side so that passing traffic may see them dumbshit. Why put them on the left where no one can see them except the damn concrete wall? Why do you have to show the world how ignorant you are.
Furthermore... solid white lines mean stay in your lane fuck face.
With Disgust,
Maven your friendly bay area driver.
*Note: I do not hate hybrids. I even don't hate yuppies or hippies but I have noticed a correlation between such groups with being bad drivers of hybrids (namely Prius').
Using your turn signal is the law.
Also, you dumb fuck yuppies and hippies in your hybrids*... can you please put your car pool access stickers on the correct side of your vehicle? They come with instructions and notably you must adhere some of them on the RIGHT side of your vehicle. They should be on the side so that passing traffic may see them dumbshit. Why put them on the left where no one can see them except the damn concrete wall? Why do you have to show the world how ignorant you are.
Furthermore... solid white lines mean stay in your lane fuck face.
With Disgust,
Maven your friendly bay area driver.
*Note: I do not hate hybrids. I even don't hate yuppies or hippies but I have noticed a correlation between such groups with being bad drivers of hybrids (namely Prius').
Sounds great! Can't wait to see you guys! 

Can't wait to see you guys on Friday