I'm really sucking at this keeping an up to date blog thing. So here is whats been happenin'.
Jay took me to one of the best concerts EVER. Faith no More was amazing as were Jello Biafra and the cloggers.
We're going to see Coheed and Cambria on the 5th.
I've colored my hair. Its a reddish brown with red streaks.
We went to the fire fighters associations awards dinner and I got to wear a pretty dress. Jay looked hot too
I've been thinking about going vegetarian but i'm not ready to commit. I am going to cut back on my meat consumption a lot though.
I've had lots of amazing sex too. I've been feeling very loved.
I've been painting. Am I a painter? Well, not a good one but it's very soothing.
Jay and I have been watching Lost like crazy. We're addicted. We're on Season 5 and like addicts were fearing running out of episodes.
I think I'm going to start gardening. I need to make some teepees.
So that's whats new. How ya'll?
Jay took me to one of the best concerts EVER. Faith no More was amazing as were Jello Biafra and the cloggers.
We're going to see Coheed and Cambria on the 5th.
I've colored my hair. Its a reddish brown with red streaks.
We went to the fire fighters associations awards dinner and I got to wear a pretty dress. Jay looked hot too

I've been thinking about going vegetarian but i'm not ready to commit. I am going to cut back on my meat consumption a lot though.
I've had lots of amazing sex too. I've been feeling very loved.
I've been painting. Am I a painter? Well, not a good one but it's very soothing.
Jay and I have been watching Lost like crazy. We're addicted. We're on Season 5 and like addicts were fearing running out of episodes.
I think I'm going to start gardening. I need to make some teepees.
So that's whats new. How ya'll?
Get better at keeping us up to date m'kay? lol
How was the Coheed and Cambria concert?
Perhaps we will see you around in chat?