Figure I ought to put up a new blog, so I don't have to keep looking at my angry one.
Sorry about that little rant. You can just try to forget it now
Things are going much better.
I am feeling a lot happier. I was just being, um, very emotional for multiple reasons I suppose.
Omeganightmare bought us tickets to see Faith No More in San Fran. I am stoked! We both are actually. If all goes well, another couple friends will be going as well and I think Jay and I will make a day of it.
Jay and I have been kicking ass on the Wii. Playing wii sports and starting to do my wii fit again. Jay also got us old school Zelda and Mario and other fun stuff.
Tomorrow is the Super Bowl! I don't really care per se, but Jay and I will be hanging out at home and i'm going to make a yummy dinner and were going to have some chips and dip and what not. It should be enjoyable.
My hair is real funky. It's getting longer and less boy looking but then theres the whole color issue. Its real hard trying to grow your hair out to the natural color and look good doing it. I can't really afford to go to the salon and get my hair lightened to match my natural color, so I'm roughing it. I still just want to shave it all off at times. Who wants to buy me one of Vivid's wigs? They're so gorgeous!!
Well, I guess I need to get ready for work.
How are you?
In an attempt to get some positive energy, what are you thankful for lately?
Sorry about that little rant. You can just try to forget it now

Things are going much better.
I am feeling a lot happier. I was just being, um, very emotional for multiple reasons I suppose.
Omeganightmare bought us tickets to see Faith No More in San Fran. I am stoked! We both are actually. If all goes well, another couple friends will be going as well and I think Jay and I will make a day of it.
Jay and I have been kicking ass on the Wii. Playing wii sports and starting to do my wii fit again. Jay also got us old school Zelda and Mario and other fun stuff.
Tomorrow is the Super Bowl! I don't really care per se, but Jay and I will be hanging out at home and i'm going to make a yummy dinner and were going to have some chips and dip and what not. It should be enjoyable.
My hair is real funky. It's getting longer and less boy looking but then theres the whole color issue. Its real hard trying to grow your hair out to the natural color and look good doing it. I can't really afford to go to the salon and get my hair lightened to match my natural color, so I'm roughing it. I still just want to shave it all off at times. Who wants to buy me one of Vivid's wigs? They're so gorgeous!!
Well, I guess I need to get ready for work.
How are you?
In an attempt to get some positive energy, what are you thankful for lately?
Glad you're feeling better love