Why is it that im still single?
Why does it have to be so damn complicated and shit.
Can't i just say i wanna jump your bones and I don't want to share you with anyone else and have it be that?
Ive been such an emotional bitch lately. I hate it. I guess i wouldn't want to be with me.
i have a lot of stuff in my head. I feel like im a looney.
*shoots self*
Why does it have to be so damn complicated and shit.
Can't i just say i wanna jump your bones and I don't want to share you with anyone else and have it be that?
Ive been such an emotional bitch lately. I hate it. I guess i wouldn't want to be with me.
i have a lot of stuff in my head. I feel like im a looney.
*shoots self*

looneys are sexy, don't let that worry you. maybe if you get crazier you can invent an imaginery partner.