Things have been going pretty good.
I've been working a lot lately! Seriously, when I leave my house at 11:30 AM and don't get back till 9pm I feel like I have no time to myself. omeganightmare has been great about cleaning and foot rubs
Today is Toez's babyshower and I can't go Instead i'll be at work. It's the little girls 6th birthday... Read More
You bought something for the little munchkin? Isn't it fun!! He greatly appreciates it I really hope you can go to the shower! I promise it'll be fun, Amy's planning it! lol It'll be in Clearlake btw
I am going to try and make a better effort at updating my blog.
But really, I don't find myself all that interesting.
I colored my hair today Its dark brown with red streaks again. Yippie! I think I'll post some pictures tomorrow.
I've been doing a decent job at keeping up with my walking. 10 miles a week! Today I actually went to the... Read More
Hey pretty! Yay for update blogs! I can't wait to see your hair It sounds very pretty! I was gonna dye mine (basically the same color I usually do, black brown) but after I got it cut, my hair-girlie was like "wow, you're hair is almost back to your natural color" All I wanted to do was darken it up a bit and get rid of the 3 or 4 grey hairs I keep finding (UGH).
Yay for working out! Yay for school!! Good luck with both of those! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you
I'm probably gonna start maternity leave like the first of October. Unless of course the doctor orders otherwise...or I'm just too fat to haul my ass to work...or I can't reach the steering wheel, which is a real possibility with how short I am anyway lol. Feel free to stop by anytime! That would be great! Even now, I'm always here unless I'm at work. I'm pretty lame. Sorry I don't try harder to hang out
Keep up the good work with the updates and everything!!
It's 1:30 AM.
I have to be up at 6:30 AM. No bueno.
However... I just made a girl cum over and over again so I won't complain.
The date went well to say the least. I stole her girl on girl virginity.
Although now all I want is Jaybo for some wiener but I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow.
yep yep, busy busy!! I know how you feel about the baby clothes, it's all I can do not to just buy everything I want lmao. I keep having to make myself wait until after the baby shower! Although I have already gotten a couple super-cute outfits and a very soft blankie
I have a girl coming over today. It's a date.
I think I need to have girls come over more because it's good motivation to actually clean. I've gotten a lot done and i'd feeling pretty good about it.
I'm thinking of making a chicken or shrimp pesto pasta and garlic bread. Shes bringing wine and cheesecake.
We'll watch a movie and have some drink... Read More
I'm horny. Yep. Jaybo comes home tomorrow hallelujah!
I'm also talking to some ladies. I think there may be some lady lovin' in my forecast.
Jay and I went to Superburger for breakfast on Saturday. It was so yummy! We also went and saw Get Him to the Greek, it was pretty good. We had a really good day together. It's been so good having... Read More
I do have a preggo belly now lol. We already were hoping to do something for the Jaybo's big 3-0, it's always on the calendar, wouldn't miss it, just tell us when and where and we shall do our best!