well this week, its been a long week since last wednesday. i had bouth the worst day of my life and the best day at the same time last thursday. you ever seen someone who you just no were your perfect for, like a sole partner. well i saw them last thursday and she was realy good looking and she smiled at me. i sometimes get looks of women, but not like this.usaly when i see someone looking at me and thay smile at me i get all shy and go red. not this time. she smiled at me and couldnt help smile at her. well the worst day because i didnt talk to her. and may never see her again and i havent see her since
so i went to see danzig saturday with my cuz, it was his 1st gig. it rocked it was a grate gig. the mosh pit was the best i've ever been in. everyone was so friendly in the pit. i saw a girl there i liked, she was on her own. so usaly i would have gone up asked her if she was with anyone or start a convosahion. can i fuck. this outher thing with this girl has given me a menal block.
so i went out on tusday to see the futerhead, the it was a realy good gig 2. there was a grope of girls right in front of me. thay was obusly talking about me. and by the sounds of it there was a girl there that realy liked me. thay was trying to be descreat about it but i was all of 4 inch's away, so you could tell. i was plaining to say something or do something. but i couldnt. this thing is driveing me crazy
so i went round a friends house wednesday got realy stoned and drunk. so im siting there off my face and i was smoking with a friend and one of there outher mates, his son comes round because thay like realy close to my friends house. my friend and this kids'd dad (well i say kid he was like 16-18ish) she starts asking me questions. i'll give you some examples and see how obuse this is "so you you just like girls, or do you like guys aswell" "have you never even thought about being with anouth guy" "not even like a 3-sum with anouther guy" rember i was off my gace. so i say "no, never thought about being with anouth guy, even win a 3-sum, not real" his dads in the next room. and lets say there was outher less obuse things he did too. story of my life. i cant even talk to a girls now, but i get men asking me for some. i dont realy mind. i mean one of my big motos in life is (theme from diffent strokes) "the world dosent move to the beat of just one drum, what might might be right for you, may not be right for some" i dont judge people because i dont no the sercomstances of everything. and whats right for you may be wrong for some one else
i passed the exam i had the outher week to
so thats my life for the week
QOTW-"bollock" for the fact it just describes my week
song of the week-(dont think i did it last week never mind) its rape me - by nirvana

so i went to see danzig saturday with my cuz, it was his 1st gig. it rocked it was a grate gig. the mosh pit was the best i've ever been in. everyone was so friendly in the pit. i saw a girl there i liked, she was on her own. so usaly i would have gone up asked her if she was with anyone or start a convosahion. can i fuck. this outher thing with this girl has given me a menal block.
so i went out on tusday to see the futerhead, the it was a realy good gig 2. there was a grope of girls right in front of me. thay was obusly talking about me. and by the sounds of it there was a girl there that realy liked me. thay was trying to be descreat about it but i was all of 4 inch's away, so you could tell. i was plaining to say something or do something. but i couldnt. this thing is driveing me crazy
so i went round a friends house wednesday got realy stoned and drunk. so im siting there off my face and i was smoking with a friend and one of there outher mates, his son comes round because thay like realy close to my friends house. my friend and this kids'd dad (well i say kid he was like 16-18ish) she starts asking me questions. i'll give you some examples and see how obuse this is "so you you just like girls, or do you like guys aswell" "have you never even thought about being with anouth guy" "not even like a 3-sum with anouther guy" rember i was off my gace. so i say "no, never thought about being with anouth guy, even win a 3-sum, not real" his dads in the next room. and lets say there was outher less obuse things he did too. story of my life. i cant even talk to a girls now, but i get men asking me for some. i dont realy mind. i mean one of my big motos in life is (theme from diffent strokes) "the world dosent move to the beat of just one drum, what might might be right for you, may not be right for some" i dont judge people because i dont no the sercomstances of everything. and whats right for you may be wrong for some one else
i passed the exam i had the outher week to
so thats my life for the week
QOTW-"bollock" for the fact it just describes my week
song of the week-(dont think i did it last week never mind) its rape me - by nirvana
makes you think!
you have such a great WIT!