So i added a few pics, added a few new friend. everyone was so nice, random people saying happy birthday, it rocked. thanx. i <3 u all
no more wrighting this time(even to i should be wrighting that book i started [about a guy that kills this outher guy and his soul gos into this guy body and he ends up killing himself because he get memorys of how bad this outher guys life was, not realy happly ever after, but that isnt me])
i realy should stop going off on tangents. im drawing more. i'll make a folder on hear and put them on it (when i can be assed scaning them and everything).
Devons tomoro. my cuz is in go see them my oldist cuz from devon is in a band, the casuals. thay got a bit of a jim morison sound to them. well the lead singer has. so i said i'd bring down loads of copyed cd's of bands i like, like the misfits and afi and stuff. and he'll give me a copy of his bands stuff.
thanx for reading, if it wasnt for you i'd just be talking to myself. witch i do anyway. so...... i guess i should stop talking
have i stoped yet
no more wrighting this time(even to i should be wrighting that book i started [about a guy that kills this outher guy and his soul gos into this guy body and he ends up killing himself because he get memorys of how bad this outher guys life was, not realy happly ever after, but that isnt me])
i realy should stop going off on tangents. im drawing more. i'll make a folder on hear and put them on it (when i can be assed scaning them and everything).
Devons tomoro. my cuz is in go see them my oldist cuz from devon is in a band, the casuals. thay got a bit of a jim morison sound to them. well the lead singer has. so i said i'd bring down loads of copyed cd's of bands i like, like the misfits and afi and stuff. and he'll give me a copy of his bands stuff.
thanx for reading, if it wasnt for you i'd just be talking to myself. witch i do anyway. so...... i guess i should stop talking
have i stoped yet