So today pulled a sicky from work. Went home early yestoday because of how bad of a hangover i had. i only had today off so it actuly looked like i was ill yestoday not because of the hangover. its not like i realy want to be at work ay the best of times. althow sumetimes work can be cool. like frieday i was working it houses thad had just been bought. because i usaly only work in new building, so i never realy have to deal with the the people who's houses thay are. thay were out and i was in the one of the bedroom and i could hear a buzzing. i cheched my phone, not vibrating, so im looking around, listoning out. so i look under the bed where this noise is comeing from. the woman that lived there only forgot to turn off her (i think ther called sumink like) "rampent rabbit" (for those who dont no, its basicly a vibtater with loads of functions [there suposed to be quited good, i dont no]) she must have forgot to turn it off. there much have been to many switchs.
quite funny thow. i hear storys like that on site a bit. but thats the first time anythink like that ever happend to me. so rember that if anyones comeing into you bedroom to work, make shure your vibrater are off
seeing The Dwarves this saturday ( i hured there good but i dont know them realy)
and Good Charlotte on sunday( dont no why, i kinda hold them responible for the brake up of one of my ex's, who i went out with a year and a bit. + im not that big of a fan of them [anyone want a ticket to see good charlott this sunday at brixton academy]) if anyone else from suicidegirls is going to either gig, hay i might there
wow, i talk some shit
seeing The Dwarves this saturday ( i hured there good but i dont know them realy)
and Good Charlotte on sunday( dont no why, i kinda hold them responible for the brake up of one of my ex's, who i went out with a year and a bit. + im not that big of a fan of them [anyone want a ticket to see good charlott this sunday at brixton academy]) if anyone else from suicidegirls is going to either gig, hay i might there
wow, i talk some shit
well i met my ex thought a chat room, a good charlotte chat room (so your thinking well u cant realy hold them responable just becuse it was though them you met [well in a round about way]). her name was charlotte(big deal). and she cheated on me, and dumped me for a guy in a band, who is thethe 1st cuz of the two brothers from good charlotte, even has the same last name.
so no directly there failt, but there name comes up a bit to often in the road of destruction that was my relashionship. by the way i am over it. but dosent mean i cant still be bitter