yeah havent updated in a while. why dont i start with an few rants. why the fuck not see if i can manage to get less than 1 coment by moining. this helps to do this while stoned. the grate thing about being stoned is you get lost in your own world.
so rants are:
Those little shits that forward me shit. bill gates aint give shit to a cople whos babys dieing. and you aint geting killed by a freak. you love life wont be ruined. you won't see the name of the one you love. what the fuck? why'd you even bouther starting it? CUNTS
Anti smoking bans. oh my god. no-ones forceing anyone into a smoking inviroment. pubs, bars, clubs anyone makeing you go to these places. and in most of them theres a none smokeing area. WANKERS
Why are the goverments such................................fill in that black
how about we introduse friends to each outher
hows things?