cristmas is comeing. come hear and sit on my lap and tell me what u want me to give u............. bit kinky? i thought so. but i dont think my mind ever realy strays to far from kinkyness
so anyway since my last entrie..... ooowww errrr.
see at it again
well since last time i posted an update on my journal..
*dose wavey hands indecating a flash back*
(yeah not realy needed, but hey)
Yeah wednesday this girl i no asked me out and i excepted. im seeing her saturday. i'll keep u posted on that. grate girl looks slightly like the sg charley. who is like my favet of all. and shes like a female verson of me. we talk all the time. random stuff. it very kool.
Yeah.... that was about it for intresting stuff that happend to me. work..... god i hate it. id cut a finger off if i thought it'd get me a week payed off
cristmas is comeing. come hear and sit on my lap and tell me what u want me to give u............. bit kinky? i thought so. but i dont think my mind ever realy strays to far from kinkyness
so anyway since my last entrie..... ooowww errrr.
see at it again
well since last time i posted an update on my journal..
*dose wavey hands indecating a flash back*
(yeah not realy needed, but hey)
Yeah wednesday this girl i no asked me out and i excepted. im seeing her saturday. i'll keep u posted on that. grate girl looks slightly like the sg charley. who is like my favet of all. and shes like a female verson of me. we talk all the time. random stuff. it very kool.
Yeah.... that was about it for intresting stuff that happend to me. work..... god i hate it. id cut a finger off if i thought it'd get me a week payed off
Thanks for the hug.