so been a long time since i posted on sg. just telling people im alive i dont wright 1/2 as offten as i should. i think i might start. just as diary even if no-one else reads it
let me see since may. moved in mith my perent again. all i say is yes danzig i could kill my brouther (he hate my cats. like thay ever did anything to him COCK). yeah no good. i have a crapy job in a crapy wherehouse in dagnam (to all those who no it, it sucks ass)
The balance in me has left me
previous to nothing of a different kind altogether.
When I was younger even though I saw the tidings that brought her over,
I couldn't make up my mind and neither could she.
I often wonder about the causes that make... Read More
Hahaha, I laughed out loud at that well done *pat pat*
I will accept the add tomorrow if I can.
[my home computer dosent let me accept adds, cause it shit, soo ill try get on the one at work tomorrow ] xox
So everybody
this week. moved back in with perents TEMPARELY. thak god. this is the kind of thing i have to put up with.
mum "what do you mean? what do you mean?"
the woman love to answer a question with "what do you mean?" even if the question is "what do you mean?".
started a new job in a wherehouse. moveing things from the... Read More
I dont mean to start a rant but........... i will so hear go's. pot noddles. obusly one of the grateist inventions ever. but what cheapo bastard decided the king pot's will have exactly the same size sause packets as the normal size ones. like no thought what so ever went into it.
im starting a protest about it. thay kank keep the same packageing but... Read More
Haha, I'm jsut a super happy person. Kinda like i'm on prozac and had my cheeks stapled back hahah Except i'm not on przac...and i'm without a staple gun...
Haha, we both have pictures of us as pirates in our pics sections. Haha, i'm amused :d
I went to work as a pirate bosses are chinese, so I jsut pretended like I couldnt understand their english when they asked me about it heh
yeah havent updated in a while. why dont i start with an few rants. why the fuck not see if i can manage to get less than 1 coment by moining. this helps to do this while stoned. the grate thing about being stoned is you get lost in your own world.
so rants are:
Those little shits that forward me shit. bill gates aint... Read More
sorry that you're having girl probs at the moment hon. If she's done it before I'd suggest that it'll prob happen again but you do get exceptions to the rule. Don't let it ruin your xmas though, have a good one.
cristmas is comeing. come hear and sit on my lap and tell me what u want me to give u............. bit kinky? i thought so. but i dont think my mind ever realy strays to far from kinkyness
so anyway since my last entrie..... ooowww errrr.
see at it again
well since last time i posted an update on my journal..