Holy crap I am exhausted! I just finnished mixing an album for a death metal band. I had to listen to mariatchi music all the way home from the studio to clense the music from my mind. If the current rate of sessions stays constant, i don's now if I will make it through this current semester. Well, off to bed so that I can...
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Yesterday I woke up hungover, crashed out on the couch in my friends new appartment. He threw a house warming party that was pretty good, his new roomates are very cool. Later that day, I saw Clinic with Handle. He had gotten free tickets from KALX. The best part of the show was seeing Autolux open. Sadly they only played five songs to about 20...
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Quit hangin round my barn, slappy.
You wish...
Is it just me or is a large part of the populace completely apathetic and intentionally unopinionated, scared of debate and any sort of intellectual discussion becuase they asume it will make them look preachy. It alarmes the crap out of me that people who hold these ideas vote,, but then it makes me realize why the USA has declined socially. I guess this is...
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I was discussing this very same topic last night over a few pints with a couple of friends. Our opinions weren't entirely
dissimliar from your own. I think one of the many sad developments of culture that lauds diversity and preaches
understanding of others different from yourself, is a basic
paralysis to state one's opinion for fear of creating controversy which many young people are loathe to embroil themselves in. I also think most people are utterly incapable of defending themselves in the context of our media obsessed culture; why posit real and substantive positions on hot topic issues when there are any number of talking heads on t.v.(be they journalists, anchormen, movie stars, sports figures et al.), to rip off?
Hahaha that is soo true. Whenever I try to enter into any kind of online discourse with most people my age, they just dissintegrate, immediatly drawing upon biases and poor arguments, eventually setteling on calling me confrontaional. The problem is that they do not know how to defend their positions. I never attack them personally. Part of why I like SG is that I watch actual debates on the forums all the time. Hell people here use real figures and come from multiple well thought views.
I plan on posting a pic or two I just don't have a digi camera yet (still using my Liecha and Pentax 35's). It's just been a little busy and I am still trying to get my act together on this sight.
Feeling like such a slacker lately, however I am entitled to a little time off. Now if I could get some sleep and complete a solid day of studying I would be in good shape.
After months of not practicing, my band has finaly gotten its shit together. We just aquired a rehersal space which defintely helped. This last week has been very creative, in an explosive cathartic way. Now I feel very good, not so depressed. Other good news is that I may have three up and coming recording sessions. One of the possible sessions, might include the side...
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God Damn you 'TV on the Radio' for getting your damn music stuck in my head!!!!! I curse you with my black heart. Curse!!!!!!!!
yeah, it was at cafe du nord. it was great! smile
Shit I need glasses. Too bad I sat on them.
one of the weird backward things the folks do things around here, is responding to comments in your journal in the journal of the person that left the comment. Bizzare at first but it all works out in the end