Bah! I have been so incrediably busy. That is why i haven't been out much. So if you are wondering where I've been, here's the skinny. Currently finals week is looming over me as is a whole mess of other commitments. i haven't been going ou much because I am too broke, burnt out, occupied with work, school, music, recording. Then there is the issue... Read More
Today was a pretty cool day. I went to Prairie Sun Recording to study up on a new recording room they built. It's pretty good.
So I ran into a band touring the studio. They said they were from Marin. I asked them what bands they knew around there. They told me that they knew my band, yet I have never met any of them... Read More
Grrr... i forgot all about that rolling stone mag messup til i hopped on your page again... update please!!
Scott Sylvia did the art.
What's up with you lately buddy?
You guys should come by the red devil tonight. i'm selling the fixx posters...
later gater...
Blechhh, I'm getting sick right before a test. Other than these minor distractions everything is cool. I think the book Fight Club is right; you don't miss TV after a couple of months.
Staying in is the going out. I haven't left home (except for school and work) for the last couple of nights and it feels good. There is still the temptation of going to see Blonde Redhead, but that will pass.
Where the fuck to begin...
In the last two weeks I have been to a show , party, or band practice every day while going to school and working.
Witnessed a friend get too drunk for his own good in public.
I have gotten too drunk for my own good too often.
Pulled over for a broken headlight.
Nearly wrecked my car because of a... Read More
I have been going out so much, that at one point; my right hand was covered in a blob of ink. It progressively changed color with each show. It has been getting so bad that friends are now using it in reference to scenster jokes. Ha going out tonight to a party and then friday night I am going to see the Warlocks. It will... Read More
Jesus, that sucks. What was he on anyway? He certainly didn't kill the show for me, but it was kind of irritating to feel like I had to keep an eye on him the whole time.
So there I was watching Bush give his victory speech. Rright in the middle of the crowd chanting "Four more Years," Berkeley started checking its air raid sirens. It was so eery. I only wish I could have sampled the sound in time. I am starting to hunt down the proper samples. Should be interesting.