You can not even comprehend how happy these pictures make me. They were taken during the most difficult semester of my life. The happiest time of my life, when my brain struggled so fiercly and school consumed me. I've never been happier.
My study group trying to steal 40 winks between our second midterm and that days lab.
My lab parter and I napping while waiting for our gel elecrophoresis to run.
The Maurauder, hard at work in the lab.

My study group trying to steal 40 winks between our second midterm and that days lab.

My lab parter and I napping while waiting for our gel elecrophoresis to run.

The Maurauder, hard at work in the lab.

Edited cuz I can't even type that little without making mistakes!
[Edited on Nov 21, 2004 4:42AM]
......buuuuuuuuut don't wanna rain on your parade, I'm glad your course is pushing your mental limits.