I've had pneumonia for over a week. Now I have fluid in both lungs and around my heart. I am under doctor's orders not to return to work untill April 8th which means at that time I'll have missed over 3 weeks of work. I go back to the heart doctor on friday the 4th of April and the Lung doctor on monday April 7th.

I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope everything turns out ok and there is no lasting damage...
Well I've gotta stay home from work till the 31st. Got fluid in my lungs, and quite possibly an enlarged heart. Got to go get chest x-rays, blood work, and an EKG soon. I'll see the doctor again on April 7th unless everything goes to hell then i'll get to a hospital.
Happy Easter

I went back to the doctor yesterday and it looks as if i've still got pneumonia! Got to go back tomorrow and see where I stand. I hope this all starts to clear up soon. Tack care friends and strangers.
My new favorite Suicide Girl has got to be Shaine, yeah she's hot
i must say, youve got excellent taste wink kiss

i love that your name is "maudite". do you secretly want to be quebecois?
your way charming blush
Things are going great. I am on cloud nine, there's a possibility this girl I really like is about to go on a date with me. I am goofy i know but none the less I am happy right now
Went to The Clubhouse with some friends last night and had a good ol time. Spent like $250, a record for me. It was $10 table dances all night and I got more than my money's worth. This one chick, adorable as hell, bit the fuck outta my neck, I don't mean just a nibble either. I looked at it this morning and I got...
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Well tomorrow I turn 27. I also start my vacation from work so yeah I guess thats all good. I have a few plans; drinking, eating, strippers you know the works. Sunday night my friends and I are going out to The Clubhouse, it's got to be the best all nude strip club in the dallas area if not the entirty of Texas. Gonna take...
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Happy Birthday!!!
happy birthday! biggrin
I'm looking forward to thanksgiving for the first time in years. Mainly because my mom has finally learned what I have been saying all these years, her sister is a bitch from hell, her children are all sheeple and if given the chance I'd spit in their faces. I was only believed after I was harrassed by this bitch and her eldest fuckwad told me...
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