Wii =
and we thought there was no way we'd get ahold of Zelda...we found a copy at the fourth store we went to. no luck on a second nunchuck, but we'll find one eventually. we just can't play a couple of mini games in Monkeyball or do two-player Wii Sports boxing, but everything else has been tons of fun so far. Tennis is AWESOME in Wii Sports. i got pretty good at it after a while. plus you can make a "Mii" of yourself and use it in the sports game. and i fucked around in Zelda for a while, which was great. the remote + nunchuck combo was surprisingly easy to get used to, but once i found out that i could glide by running from heights holding onto a chicken, that's pretty much all i did. and call hawks to bring me chickens with which to do that. i heart Zelda games for things like that.
ALSO, the thing is teenty tiny!! as in, one fourth of the size of the box. the rest of the stuff in there is controller, nunchuck, booklet, sensor, etc. so it's pretty cute. i want to put big googly eyes on it.

and we thought there was no way we'd get ahold of Zelda...we found a copy at the fourth store we went to. no luck on a second nunchuck, but we'll find one eventually. we just can't play a couple of mini games in Monkeyball or do two-player Wii Sports boxing, but everything else has been tons of fun so far. Tennis is AWESOME in Wii Sports. i got pretty good at it after a while. plus you can make a "Mii" of yourself and use it in the sports game. and i fucked around in Zelda for a while, which was great. the remote + nunchuck combo was surprisingly easy to get used to, but once i found out that i could glide by running from heights holding onto a chicken, that's pretty much all i did. and call hawks to bring me chickens with which to do that. i heart Zelda games for things like that.
ALSO, the thing is teenty tiny!! as in, one fourth of the size of the box. the rest of the stuff in there is controller, nunchuck, booklet, sensor, etc. so it's pretty cute. i want to put big googly eyes on it.
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