i am not happy with the new manager - he thinks we don't like him (not true) and is trying too hard to get us to like him, and in turn it's making us not like him. couple that with the fact that he's micromanaging, completely reorganized our new release/sale wall (eliminating the Top 20, wtf???), and twice in the past week he has been too caught up in his own personal little projects that large, very important day-to-day shit (receiving new releases, setting new sale prices) has been neglected...and guess which lucky person got to work doubly hard to get them done. i think my official job description should at least include "picking up the pieces after the manager doesn't do his fucking job right." on top of that, i'm still making a measly $7.45/hour and he's making $26K/year base rate, not including profit sharing (which can bring his weekly paycheck to over $1000 in November/December). i know that's not much either but it's way more than i make....with that kind of money, i could afford my own place, insurance, internet, food, etc., etc. i could live on my own all alone for that rate, but i'm stuck making less than $250/week and doing my job and part of his (and living with my parents, and with no fucking idea of what i'm going to do when they move across the country next year). he's not a very authoritive (is that a word?) person, either. granted, i'm not some huge scary picture of bossness, but i can organize workloads like nobody's business. in the weeks we didn't have an official manager, the store was PERFECT. well, as close to perfect as it will get without total rehauls of entire sections. which reminds me of the old manager coming in recently, strutting around like he was still important, and saying "wow, i'm surprised the store looks this good, it thought it would look like shit without a manager..." fucker was lucky i had left for the day or i would have punched him in the mouth (a hard feat since he's more than a foot taller than me). the only reason the store even functioned while he was there was becasue of ME. it looked like absolute fucking shit when i started, and i got it into working order and won back a lot of old customers (which is something the district manager has recognized). the only reason it didn't look better then was because i was too busy CLEANING UP AFTER THE MANAGER. seeing a fucking pattern here????
if there was anywhere else decent to work in this town, i might, but overall i love the company and the store and i love my coworkers. i have fun at work the majority of the time, just doing my job. and where else is a girl with a nose ring, too-heavy eyeliner and freaky hair supposed to get a job???
if there was anywhere else decent to work in this town, i might, but overall i love the company and the store and i love my coworkers. i have fun at work the majority of the time, just doing my job. and where else is a girl with a nose ring, too-heavy eyeliner and freaky hair supposed to get a job???
nuh uh!