i slept until noon today - and i fell asleep at 1:30 last night. wtf. stupid fucking weather. i haven't even found the motivation to put up the Halloween decorations. the annoying part is my parents figure i am freaked out by their probelms but it's just the weather. goddamn fucking seasonal bullshit. it pisses me off rather than makes me sad because i don't feel like doing anything and then i am angry at myself for not being productive. like today, i was going to work on art stuff, get the decorations up, go to the bank, stop by the tattooists....nope. i stayed inside, in front of the computer for most of the day, except for when i went to the kitchen to make food or went downstairs to play Katamari with my brother (don't question my awesomeness as a big sister - his birthday is almost a month away and i gave him the first one today and he gets the sequel when he has sufficiently finished the first one). well, i'm going in to work tomorrow (i was supposed to have it off but my boss called and asked me to come in because he forgot we had inventory i guess) so i can go to the bank on my break and i'll get out and get some exercise as long as it doesn't fucking rain. fuck all you fucking assholes who like the rain, it's NOT FUCKING NICE when it's been doing it almost two weeks straight. it's freezing outside and i can't fucking walk anywhere. i hate having to drive when i can easily walk, as long as it's not raining. oh i'm going to be fun to live with this winter. i need to talk to my boyfriend about taking a trip to Tucson. i think i want to move there. we both have family there. and it would be better to just up and move to somewhere i'd almost certainly love than to attempt to enroll in a school somewhere that i'd probably hate just because it's on the west coast. still my dad thinks we should take a trip to the art school in LA IN LESS THAN A MONTH FOR THEIR OPEN HOUSE. no thank you, i see right through your efforts of closeness. chances are i would despise LA. and i know i am not cut out for college. i couldn't even take high school. so sorry to dash everyone's dreams of me finally getting an actual education. can we be rich now so i can buy a little adobe house and bake cookies and vacuum all day??
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