thanks people for the parental sympathy. it's going ok. i got a new job and it's terrific. the pay is absolutely lousy (try minimum wage to start
) but i'm not in need of money right now anyway as the store i work in is only 5 minutes away if i drive, 20 if i walk. it's seriously fantastic, though. it's at a cd store in a small local chain, and all of my coworkers are great guys so far (i know there's at least one other girl who works there but she is like part time or something and i haven't worked with her yet). we get a whole HOUR for breaks, which is sooooo fantastic i can't even describe it. since the store is right on the main street with all the little locally owned shops, i can actually go into a nice little cafe or bakery or even an Indian restaurant (even though i hate Indian food, there just happen to be 2 of them so it's a valid option) and sit down and order food and have time to actually eat it and enjoy it...and still not be late getting back to work. it's so nice. the only problem is, i can't usually eat restaurant portions, even small ones. today i got raspberry lime seltzer, a small cup of fruit salad and a really awesome garden burger on fresh bread with carrots and hummus and stuff....and i could barely eat half of the sandwich. i had a slight tummy thing going on for a few days before i started my new job so i didn't eat much, and my stomach shrinks fast so i can't fit much food in it at once. at least what i could eat was very yummy, though i had spicy hummus breath until i ate some candied ginger a little while ago (mmm ginger). i'm walking a lot more, to the eateries for meals, to and from work (only one day since it's been very cold and misty out but hopefully i can get out and enjoy the fall air more soon), around the surrounding blocks to kill remaining break time....ah sweet exercise. and everything is so simple and easy at work - the computer system was designed by the college student who founded the store so it's simple and makes perfect sense, the inventory is organized in a very sensical way, cheap used dvds and cds aplenty, discounted (or possibly even free) concert tickets for employees....i've only been there three days but every day i have come home with at least one new bit of media. a used copy of Serart on Tuesday, A is for Accident and Martin & Orloff yesterday, and a used copy of the Powerpuff Girls movie today. life is goooooood.
not to mention that this morning my parents left for a week-and-a-half long trip down the east coast to North Carolina and then back up again, meeting up with various family the entire way. and wouldn't you know it, my loser brother pretended to waffle back and forth on whether he was going with them or not but (of course) opted to stay here and make my potentially awesome 10 days a slightly sucky 10 days. he keeps to himself but he's a raging idiot most of the time. at least my parents said my boyfriend could stay over whenever he wants. my mom even made up the futon for us, awww. plus she made up a huge batch of homemade spaghetti sauce, so tomorrow night is spaghetti movie snuggle party for us! plus i'll make cookies...if i can remember how. i haven't made them in sooo long but i used to amuse myself by trying out new baking recipes, so i know as long as i can find the recipe i can make some kickass chocolate chippers.
my god that's a lot of words. i am a very wordy person.
time to go see if that PPG movie works (it had a bunch of minor scratches but i used the disc repair kit i bought just in case and it does look better) and do half-assed exercises throughout. i miss having a computer and a tv next to each other, i could put an exercise video on one screen and watch something entertaining on the other.

not to mention that this morning my parents left for a week-and-a-half long trip down the east coast to North Carolina and then back up again, meeting up with various family the entire way. and wouldn't you know it, my loser brother pretended to waffle back and forth on whether he was going with them or not but (of course) opted to stay here and make my potentially awesome 10 days a slightly sucky 10 days. he keeps to himself but he's a raging idiot most of the time. at least my parents said my boyfriend could stay over whenever he wants. my mom even made up the futon for us, awww. plus she made up a huge batch of homemade spaghetti sauce, so tomorrow night is spaghetti movie snuggle party for us! plus i'll make cookies...if i can remember how. i haven't made them in sooo long but i used to amuse myself by trying out new baking recipes, so i know as long as i can find the recipe i can make some kickass chocolate chippers.
my god that's a lot of words. i am a very wordy person.